This doesnt work. Goto File > New > Project.. and select Maven Project from the list. $ mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.howtodoinjava.mvc -DartifactId=firstSpringApplication -DarchetypeartifactId=maven-archetype-webapp . You are now ready to open the Maven Project in your favorite IDE and start coding your application. In the command prompt execute the following command to generate Maven compatible Java project named as 'SpringCoreHelloWorld'. Now provide the group Id, artifact Id and Package. Add 'resources' folder as shown in the screenshot below. Name the project as HelloWorldJavaEE and keep the default settings for: Target Runtime: Apache Tomcat v8.0. test Fig 10: Enter group Id and artifact id Finally, click Apply and Close. This tutorial will help you to write your first Hello World Spring program. Not only did we go over the basics of Maven in this tutorial, but we also covered how to create a basic Maven project in Eclipse. On republishing this post, you must provide link to original post. SpringBootHelloWorld project will be imported. Clarification. Creating SessionFactory and Session 6. Select "Maven Project" as shown in the below image and click on "Next" button. Enter "MavenWeb" as Project name and click Next. Open STS (Spring Tool Suite) > File > New > Maven Project. 3.4.