Curious, being a journalist, questioned Himiko on her origin story. Hellflame is an extremely powerful Quirk that gives the user pyrokinetic abilities. This proves that Tomura has developed a true form of care towards his allies, even if he only seldom shows it.[12]. Eric ValeEmily Fajardo (child) Na frente dele ficam. During the first phase of the licensing exam, Himiko targets Izuku and tries to eliminate him after Class 1-A gets separated. [20] But to deteriorate anything his power touches even when it doesn't directly connect with certain abstracts that he's using it on, like when a number of people he never made physical contact with were disintegrated and again when nearly all of Deika City and everything in it was reduced to dust in one go using his one good hand. Together, they defeat one of the Nomu[13] and Endeavor takes on the remaining two alone. All Might is able to save Gran Torino before the villain kills him. During the fight against Star and Stripe, in which the consciousnesses of Tomura and All For One have begun to fuse into one being, he sports a black formal suit, with sneakers, and a long flowing cloth draped around his neck; the suit representing All For One's desire to present himself properly, and the latter for Tomura's general uncleanliness. Lower level heroes prove no match for the Nomu as they terrorize the city. In the end, however, Tomura can set his pride aside in order to do whatever is needed to accomplish his goals, adopting Stain's ideology to enlist more members to his cause and forming a deal with the Shie Hassaikai for the development of the Quirk-Destroying Drug. Unlike most of the Eight Bullets, Kendo only serves Overhaul because he hopes to one day defeat him. 58 Pro Hero. His villain costume sports fourteen embalmed hands, all positioned so they're holding onto him on different parts of his body. By the time of the Final War, Tomura and All For One's minds have nearly melded together as one, creating an entity that features a mix of Tomura's nihilism and desire to destroy everything, and All For One's will to use his power to rule over all. [11] Furthermore, when Himiko questioned Tomura on his newfound goal to destroy everything, he revealed that his allies are exceptions, saying that he always has room for them and their goals while also telling them to live however they like. At the U.A. student and bring them to their side, they can deal a fatal blow to U.A. Ela o abraou e se desculpou, palavras que Izuku lembraria como no sendo o que ele queria ouvir, porque o faziam se sentir inadequado para aqueles com Quirks. [10] Tomura has displayed both faith in the League's capabilities and trust in them to do right by him and their group, as seen when he confided in Himiko and Twice before appointing them to aid Overhaul (knowing they would intentionally sabotage the Hassaikai from within, even without his orders). Student Uniform Tenko Shimura ( () () () () , Shimura Tenko?) Depois de uma breve luta, All Might concordou com Izuku que ele morreria se o deixasse ir e eles logo pousaram em segurana sobre um telhado, onde Izuku perguntou se ele poderia se tornar um heri sem individualidade, dizendo a All Might que sempre quis ser um heri e salvar pessoas. The Symbol of Peace is enraged by the evildoer's words and uses the strength he has to crush All For One's mask with a powerful smash. English Voice After a month of non-stop combat with Gigantomachia, the League had yet to make any progress whatsoever. Spinner becomes impatient, as the League is failing to bring Stains dream to fruition as Spinner believed they would. Katsuki has publicly displayed an angry and violent temperament that matches that of a potential villain. Each pair of these hands originally belonged to an individual killed by Tomura during the time his Quirk first manifested: the one on his neck is his mother's; on his arms, his grandfather's; on his forearms, his grandmother's; on his wrists, his sister's; and the ones on his chest and shoulders are from two unnamed street punks he killed. Much like a child, Tomura seemed unable to cope with his own feelings, instead lashing out and abusing both others or himself, tearing at his own neck when he becomes frustrated. He also added two additional red cords to connect the hands on his shoulders to the hands on his chest. [47] Hawks takes Endeavor high into the sky where he can unleash the full fury of his flames. Manga Debut He joined the world of street fighting as an act of rebellion against his overly strict parents. Overview Gallery Synopsis Relationships Taishiro Toyomitsu ( () () () () () , Toyomitsu Taishir? Episode 70 so os seguintes. When the Heroes invade the Shie Hassaikai's hideout, Overhaul orders his temporary villains to help the Eight Bullets cover his escape. Kendo believes it's unbecoming for a fighter to use weapons and that everyone should fight with the power of their bodies.[2]. Katsuki even manages to restrain Kurogiri and Shoto freezes Nomu. It was directed by Hiroyuki Seu recorde na corrida de 50 metros de 7,02 segundos. His gloves were also much more crudely fashioned, consisting of simple plating bound by sports tape. Se ele for forado a produzir mais energia, Izuku ainda capaz de lutar decentemente, mesmo com membros quebrados, graas aos efeitos da adrenalina, mas sucumbir exausto um pouco mais tarde. Status Just like its counterpart Quirk One For All, this Quirk contains the vestigial will and consciousness of its previous wielder. He is a student in Class 1-A at U.A. He escapes the mall and finds his new conviction. Hawks agrees to send a random hero to test its abilities. Kurogiri acts as his aide for guidance but Tomura sees him as little more than a tool. He teaches Foundational Hero Studies at U.A. Afiliao [38], They to scheme to kidnap Eri, the centerpiece of Overhaul's plans. Izuku capaz de evitar essas repercusses mantendo-se em uma faixa segura de emisso de energia do One For All (atualmente, isso cerca de 12%, com 20% suportvel por alguns minutos). Eventually, the world became so afraid of him that nations, including the United States, are already planning to pledge their allegiance to him, so that casualties will be kept to a minimum, should Tomura seek them out.[18]. Kanji Name He also has impressive camaraderie, using his Pop Off spheres to bind opponents, enabling his allies to successfully defeat them, and vice versa. ), tambm conhecido como Deku (, Deku? Tenya repreende Izuku, o que atrai a ateno dos candidatos, que murmuram para si mesmos como Izuku parecia um fracasso por seu comportamento. Gran Torino and Enji Todoroki arrive in the city and combat the Nomu. Mais tarde, Izuku continuou assistindo vdeos de All Might naquela noite em seu computador e, chorando, perguntou a sua me se ele ainda poderia se tornar um heri. Minoru easily freaks out in moments of great stress or fear, acting in an impulsive way, crying when the situation does not look favorable and abusing his Quirk recklessly, to the point of hurting himself in the process. Izuku o primeiro portador do One for All a ganhar acesso a este reino enquanto est vivo. f:dark skin. [15], After a fierce battle, he was not only able to defeat Re-Destro to gain control of the latter's army, but also tame Gigantomachia with his accomplishment. He doesn't care for his or almost anyone else's life, having no qualms about performing evil deeds like murdering innocent people. is a 2019 animated film and the second in the My Hero Academia series. It's why I hate. He soon merged his organization and the Meta Liberation Army to form the Paranormal Liberation Front, becoming its Grand Commander and later inheriting the All For One Quirk. Eye Color In combat, Kendo focuses on breaking down his opponents with strategically placed punches that are structured around his present understanding of the fighting capabilities of himself and his opponents. All For One uses Forced Quirk Activation on Kurogiri and orders Tomura to escape with his allies and Katsuki. He would later implement this stem detail some time before the Joint Training Battle. Affiliation medida que Izuku continua crescendo, seu One For All tambm cresce, e com a perspectiva de ter novas habilidades destravadas no futuro, Izuku tem que trabalhar ainda mais para dominar totalmente a Individualidade que lhe foi passada. Kanji Minoru is also very clever in battle, such as using his Pop Off Quirk to create effective traps, something for which his spheres are very suitable. Tendo sido treinado por All Might por 10 meses a fim de preparar fisicamente seu corpo para herdar o One For All, Izuku ganhou um fsico muscular que lhe permite atuar em patamares superiores aos de um estudante comum fora do curso de heris da U.A. Seu segundo traje de heri tem algumas mudanas e agora parece mais robusto e mais pronto para o combate. However, All Might arrives first to save the day. Os alunos so testados no poder e no uso de seus Quirks por meio de vrios exerccios sob a observao de Shota, mas por causa de sua falta de controle sobre One For All, Izuku incapaz de us-lo na maioria das tentativas, o que o leva a apresentar desempenho abaixo do padres estabelecidos por seus colegas. Himiko takes on Izuku's appearance and leads Ryukyu's Squad right to Overhaul. [36], Because the Quirk has to touch a solid object in order to be activated, it is possible to counter it through manipulation of fluids or particles, such as Snatch's sand body. The hands were recovered and preserved by Kyudai Garaki, returning them to Tomura when he was rescued by All For One. He trusts Twice and Himiko to do what they think is best for the League in this situation. High School. Kurogiri's capture was noted to have made Tomura upset as the latter valued the former's company and abilities. Hair Color Izuku um estrategista e ttico excepcional. [50], The League is confronted by All For One's bodyguard, Gigantomachia. They are more commonly referred to as the League, and it is abbreviated as L.O.V. Body Transformation Form Switchibility Transforming The user can morph into superior, more powerful versions of oneself. [4], The League of Villains severely underestimate the U.A. Tomura mulls over the villain's desperate situation and orders Kurogiri to summon the Nomu. [2] The anime adaptation shows that those flames can heat up to the point of turning blue.[3]. Tomura Shigaraki and his allies regroup and swear vengeance for their fallen master. Goto covers his limbs with enhanced muscle fibers that protrude from his skin. Himiko asks what a Yakuza is and Compress explains they are relics from a time before the age of heroes. Sommaire dplacer vers la barre latrale masquer Dbut 1 Synopsis 2 Personnages Afficher / masquer la sous-section Personnages 2.1 Personnages principaux 2.2 Personnages secondaires 3 quipes Afficher / masquer la sous-section quipes 3.1 Akina SpeedStars 3.2 Akagi RedSuns 3.3 Myogi Night Kids 3.4 Impact Blue 3.5 Team Emperor 3.6 Project D 3.7 Seven Star Leaf 3.8 [46]. Poursuivant ses tudes au lyce Yuei, dans la seconde A, afin de devenir un hros He has a head of very short dark purple hair with four large ball-shaped clumps resembling a mohawk. and All Might. Arc. ANIMATED (My Hero Academia) [Nisego] english. Atualmente, Izuku reconhecido por seus colegas de classe como uma figura forte, confivel e de liderana, com sua fora e inteligncia sendo respeitadas igualmente. Quirk [2], By magnifying the muscles in his legs, Goto can move at blurring speeds that far outclass One For All: Full Cowl at 5%. e salvar vidas (Invaso do Esquadro de Ao de Vanguarda e Incidente de Kamino). Tomura Shigaraki ), real name Tenko Shimura ( () () () () , Shimura Tenko? Tomura gains strong new allies and forms the Vanguard Action Squad with Dabi as its leader. Despite feeling grateful towards All For One, Tomura outright states to him that he wishes to carve his own legacy and become even greater than his master. No entanto, a Individualidade de Izuku ainda um enigma para eles (e para o prprio Izuku tambm), o que o torna um aliado imprevisvel para melhor ou para pior. For the ending song, see HEROES. is a 2018 animated film and the first in the My Hero Academia series. His current form is much larger and bulkier, with swollen fingers and hands covering his torso and legs. In the Nick of Time, a Big-Time Maverick from the West! Aside from those specific features, this design was not very different from his final one. The duration of their adhesive quality is determined by his overall health. A criminal broker named Giran capitalizes on the League of Villains' newfound fame and recruits people to their cause. Having successfully kidnapped a U.A. Solas de ferro para maior poder de chute. Enquanto observava a cena, Katsuki se lembra de uma escaramua que teve com Izuku sobre os resultados do U.A. The newly established No. Suas novas luvas so de cor bege e esto decoradas com listras azuis. O sobrenome de Izuku contm o kanji para "verde". ), is the main protagonist of the My Hero Academia manga and anime series. Izuku fica sem mscara em seu segundo traje e, embora a mscara ainda esteja presente, ele no a usa muito. White-Hot Battle! Tomura mulls over why society can smile thoughtlessly thanks to All Might even though the world is so dangerous. Family The League of Villains invade the U.S.J. Fresh-Picked Hero: Grape Juice ( , Mogitate Hr Gurpu Jsu?) First Appearance His left arm is also much larger than before, the tips of his fingers and thumb taking on the appearance of his deceased family's heads. A Kyudai Garaki warps Dabi away and the heroes are victorious. It raises his flames to their maximum temperature to create a powerful heat-ray that vaporizes any target. The League of Villains gather around seventy petty criminals and All For One supplies a strong Nomu for their evil mission. Minoru Mineta ( () () () , Mineta Minoru? ), surname Shigaraki ( () () () , Shigaraki? Epithet Antes de sair da aula, Katsuki avisa Izuku para no se inscrever no U.A. Portrayal Ele tambm usa uma mscara com longas salincias parecidas com orelhas que se assemelham ao corte de cabelo de All Might, e um respirador com um sorriso improvisado que tambm reflete o do referido heri. Initially, the League of Villains ranks were made up of a large number of weak villains and a single Nomu that could challenge All Might. Ele tambm admitiu que no gosta muito deste lado dele e tende a mant-lo sob controle. Manga Debut Uniforme de Aluno Estreia This gets the media on school grounds and prompts the school's alarms to sound and sends the students into a panic.[2]. The hand that he wears on his face came from his father. pokemon. Este esprito audacioso, embora inicialmente visto como desconcertante ou mesmo insano por outros, tambm reconhecido por muitos, tendo conquistado a lealdade e gratido de personagens que antes eram antagnicos a ele, como Tenya Iida, Shoto Todoroki, Hitoshi Shinso, Kota Izumi, Sir Nighteye e at o Assassino de Heris: Stain. Braadeiras foram adicionadas, e suas joelheiras agora tm parafusos amarelos presos (eles foram originalmente adicionados em seu segundo traje no mang). The hands on his wrists came from his older sister. She lifts her knife to Tomura and demands to know why she has to do such an unpleasant thing. The power to change into more powerful versions of oneself. Allowing him to not only whither away his targets without needing all five fingers, a feat displayed when Tomura used his two remaining digits to partially damage Re-Destro's giant pointer after the latter destroyed three of Tomura's own fingers on his left hand, albeit the effect was much slower and weaker compared to when Tomura uses all five of his digits. ), also known as Deku (, Deku? Magne asks if Overhaul is riding the high after All Might's retirement. [53], The League decided to go, knowing that a sleeping Gigantomachia would be able to quickly track them down upon waking. All Might brings an end to All For One's reign of evil. Tomura uses the ideology left behind by Stain to take the League of Villains in a new direction. In the anime, the scarring that was caused by Decay during his fight with Re-Destro remains on his right arm, leaving most of it red and cracked. Community content is available under. Mendez's first major voice role was the titular character Pac-Man in the Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures video game, which was released in 2013. Tomura can be considered as a dark parallel to Izuku Midoriya. In the dub, his voice is also shown to become raspy as a child after he starts to give into his urge to destroy. October 8 O dispositivo permitia que ele usasse sua Individualidade em porcentagens mais altas sem o risco de se machucar. Apesar disso, Izuku ainda considerava os dois amigos na poca, sempre o seguindo por a. When dueling, the precise repetitive motions of Kendos brawling technique, combined with his reflexes and Quirk usage, doesn't leave any openings, even to experienced combatants such as O'Clock. The hands on his upper arms came from his maternal grandfather. Chapter 11 The plan was for Gigantomachia to wipe out the Army and for the League to take down the exhausted Gigantomachia afterwards.[54]. Fighting Style Tsuyu Asui e Minoru Mineta tambm depositaram sua f em Izuku durante os Incidente da U.S.J., seguindo suas instrues com pouca hesitao. Izuku o stimo mais velho de sua classe, com seu aniversrio acontecendo em 15 de julho. Izuku, Shoto, and Mezo Shoji nearly stop them, but Kurogiri retrieves the conscious villains and warps them to safety. High-End tore its head off before getting blasted and used that to evade the attack before regrowing its body. High School, training to become a Pro Hero. Informao biogrfica Indomitable Will: Stemming from his traumatic past, abuse, and his hatred of hero society, Tomura has a remarkably strong willpower. with the other teachers. Izuku parece ter um lado mais ousado e agressivo, que geralmente aparece quando ele se encontra em combate. ): Aps a deciso de Izuku de mudar seu combate para o Shoot Style, Mei Hatsume atualizou seu segundo traje. [8] Incidentally, Tomura happens to carry All For One's family name (Shigaraki), symbolizing a relationship close to father and son. Wikia Boku no Hero Academia uma comunidade Fandom Anime. Tomura is proud of the League of Villains, wanting to prove that his organization has the necessary power to shake society and taking pleasure in mocking those standing in his way. Izuku, Ochaco e Tenya ficam chocados com a mentira de seu professor. In the matches in which he partook, Kendo either defeated his opponents with a single strike, or they yielded due to his superior aptitude. Tomura sits down with his feet up and immediately announces that if the League should join forces with Yakuza, it will not be under the Shie Hassaikai instead, they will be equals. Both share the same power to disintegrate anything they touch with their hands. Meanwhile, Dabi was confronted by Geten, one of the Armies most powerful fighters; and Tomura was utilizing a previous unknown aspect of his Quirk: spreading the disintegration effect beyond what he had touched, allowing him to kill multiple enemies at once. This was best seen when he outsmarted Midnight and was able to pass the Practical Exam. Age Tomura also now possesses small holes in his hands as a result of acquiring the "All For One" Quirk. O vilo aparentemente escapou de All Might no incio do dia. Alto, colocando uma presso enorme em Izuku. Tomura attacks but one of Overhaul's followers sacrifices himself to protect his master. After his Quirk awakened during the Meta Liberation Army Arc, his hair has also changed color once again, from light blue to white. He decides to enlist strong villains instead of petty criminals and plans to bring down the pillars of hero society, U.A. [8], Nomu recovers from the student's attacks, frees Kurogiri, and engages All Might again. students. Dublador 20 (First appearance)21 (Current) Katsuki refuses to join the League of Villans. Minoru is timid but perverted to the point of infamy, which makes him unpopular with the girls and even some of the boys, who consider his interests and mannerisms depraved. Kurogiri returns the defeated duo back to their hideout. Changing the temperature of the flames is possible as well, which means that their damage output is capable of Similar to his master, Tomura's aura is able to instill fear into others, and his mere gaze was enough to paralyze Trumpet's followers, who were under the influence of Incite and given orders to eliminate Tomura. In 2014, Mendez starred as Aladdin in the Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic series and Ryuko Matoi in the English dub of Kill la Kill, the latter of which was broadcast on the Toonami block on Adult Swim. His costume also had additional details like a stem on the upper part of his mask, further referencing his grape theme. O contedo da comunidade est disponvel sob. Both Himiko and Twice explain their Quirks and Shin Nemoto uses his own Quirk to make sure they don't plan on betraying the Yakuza. Together Tomura and Nomu crush the Erasure Hero. Overview Gallery Synopsis Relationships This article is about the member of the Shie Hassaikai. ), also known as the Fresh-Picked Hero: Grape Juice ( , Mogitate Hr Gurpu Jsu? The former decides they should attack and draw out All Might. "Tomura's" Quirk Singularity transformation. Uma vez que seu professor anuncia que Izuku est tentando entrar nos U.A, tambm, Katsuki fica chocado e furioso. During the Shie Hassaikai Raid, Kendo and Hekiji were pitted against Fat Gum and Eijiro Kirishima, both of whom are highly capable heroes who excel in defense and melee combat, just as Kendo himself does in the latter case.
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