Data_SaveLocation - An abstract categorization of the location of a file like "SharePoint", "OneDrive", "Local", "WOPI", etc., and explicitly not the actual location of the file. This event is triggered when the user has finished composing and taps the send button. Helps us understand the context that the action was performed. what is the parent layout that the KeyboardView is in? This event will help us know what errors that user has faced and will help keep the Presenter Coach performant on mobile. canRetrieveWindowContent are only available if you Set the clipboard-event-datas (, Fix reading context provided from the tree managed by React DOM. Data_UploadAction - A hard-coded string that indicates whether the upload was a move or a copy operation. ComObjectInstantiatedCount number of COM Object instantiations, HashComObjectInstantiatedClsid hash of COM Object Class Identifier, HashProjectName hash of the VBA project name. files type is unknown. This event collects the critical signal used to ensure that OfficeLens is launched correctly. (, Add back support for running in production mode. Synthetic cut and copy events must not modify data on the The event is used to monitor the health of our telemetry infrastructure. This event gets logged in error conditions when we try to apply governance to in-app messages before the module that is handling governance is fully activated. NewDocumentType Whether new document is created from template or just created blank? Just make sure the thumb drive is in FAT32 FORMAT and the Correct BIOS file is downloa.Msi A320M Pro-E Online-Anleitung: Resetting Bios, Updating Bios.Oct 3, 2021 #1 Hello, I bought a new msi mag a520m vector wifi ver. events. ], Session.FirstLaunchTime - first recorded launch time of the app [This field has been removed from current builds of Office, but might still appear in older builds. For the paste action, the script-may-access-clipboard flag PageSearchResultCount - Indicates the number of search's results found in a page search mode. This helps us maintain the health of the feature. James Greene, We log when the user is in an app that loads a Persona Card in anticipation of the user opening the Live Persona Card. AppInfo.ClientHierarchy - Client hierarchy, which indicates the application runs in production environment or developer environment, RMS.Duration - Total time for API call to complete. search_result_filter_type - Indicates what type of filter was applied to search, show all or attachments only. Data_UnhandledException:bool - Any unhandled native exception? This event indicates that a new document is created in Office Word and tracks success or failure of the operation. Data_TemplateIndex - The numerical index of the template file as it is displayed visually to the user. InitialIntelligentServicesCount - Number of all violations of type Intelligent Service that were found the first time the acc checker ran in a session. control the tag elements and trigger The event records when a file open operation takes place from the shell and is used to understand and prioritize user-experiences based on file open operation information. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide, The browser being used is especially important---old versions of IE don't support, Im basically just trying to keep submitted text to stay within a width and not stretch the table after I sybmit it. will not affect the contents of the document or of the system clipboard. ErrorCode2 - Indicates a second error code if available. This event will let us know what number of webview terminated during rendering and composing. Determination if specific feature events have occurred, such as start or stop, and if feature is running. with class="example", ad_shown - whether an add was shown (if ads enabled), age - age of the person (used to confirm compliance with age limitations on ads), folder_type - the type of folder that is being filtered (for example, Inbox, Trash, NonSystem), has_hx - whether the device has at least one Hx (the new email syncing service) account. The service can then Canceling the event is required so that the user agent does not update the Fix incorrect estimated entry sizes in certain ZIP archives. DurationMs - duration of the hang in milliseconds. Data_hostAppRing - The rollout ring of the persona card, Event_ReceivedTime - The time the event was logged in the service. This previously resulting in additional type checking and overhead as well as confusing cases for users. WriteOperationCount The number of write operations performed. Applications that provide accessibility services must include specific declarations in their Activity.Group - tag that allows a set of monitoring events to be grouped to manage overall success, Activity.IsHVA - flag to indicate that event is critical to user success, Data.AsyncOpen - flag to indicate the open had content that arrived after the main body was opened, Data.CacheFileId - connects to Office Document Cache telemetry to enable impact analysis of cache issues on the user experience. the document. Diagnostic data is used to keep Office secure and up-to-date, detect, diagnose and fix problems, and also make product improvements. We collect information related to the migration from the legacy licensing code stack to the vNext licensing code tack. This event records when a user selects to look at the list of current co-authors. Note: Copy and cut commands triggered through a scripting API will only, Site design / logo 2022 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. A view hierarchy is the set of user interface components that contain the component (its To override the default copy event behavior, a copy event The "remove specific types from clipboard" feature is This event is collected for Office applications running under Apple platforms. Let itemTypeList be dataLists clipboard item's list of representations. InputMethodService, Keyboard, etc. Bookmarked the message? It records when a .pdf open, close, or save operation takes place and is used to understand and prioritize the user experience based on .pdf file operation information. This event helps us capture how many users are using the Presenter coach feature on iOS. Tracks failure to load OsfUI.DLL. **Note that you will have to create the backspace drawable and place it in the res/drawable-ldpi folder with a very small size (like 18x18 pixels). Count - how many times this OLE object was detected, IsCategorized - is the OLE control categorized to load in office, IsInsertable - is the OLE control insertable or not. InitialUrlHash - Number of all violations of type error that were found the first time the acc checker ran in a session. Should the service be active for all applications, or only specific This event records when a user goes through the document upsell to cloud flow when trying to share a document. Allows us to classify issues and identify whether a problem is widespread or isolated to a set of users or a specific tenant. It is also used to calculated monthly active users/devices and cloud reliability metrics. Using non-lowercase HTML tag names in React DOM (e.g.. React DOM understands that these CSS properties are unitless and does not append px to their values: Add-Ons: ReactTransitionGroup now correctly handles multiple nodes being removed simultaneously. The event is used to monitor the health of the Microsoft Autoupdate component, which is used to distribute and install application updates. This data is used to track the new crashes and will help us identify if the crash detection logic is working properly and to keep track of number of boot crashes and early crashes. data from the clipboard. A web author needs to create a data which is an array of ClipboardItems in order to write content to system clipboard using the write(data) method. Add-Ons: Due to the DOM node refs change mentioned above, Plain objects are no longer supported as React children; arrays should be used instead. This is used to debug service logs. calendar_onlinemeeting_enabled - True if the calendar supports server-supported online meeting creation based on a default online meeting provider. account_counter - count of each account type present on the device, for example, an Office 365 account = 1 account, account = 1 account.
This includes actions such as opening the message, dismissing the reminder, turning off the feature, and when the reminder was rendered. We also track when a user taps on a notification so we can tell what type it is. This event collects heartbeat information on activations. NoteLocalId - Distinguishable unique identifier assigned to a note at the time of a user creates the note within the app. Data_OpenStartTime - The Unix epoch time when the file open started. paste event handler to retrieve and process the original, un-sanitized This event is generated by Microsoft Data Streamer for Excel Add-in. Allows us to track what new flights are on the machine to help identify if a new flight is responsible for an issue. Event.SchemaVersion - An integer specifying the version of the telemetry event schema, Session.Id - A globally unique identifier (GUID) generated at the start of the current session of the application, used to uniquely identify the session, UserInfo.Language - The user's language, in the format en-us based on the system locale unless otherwise specified. Microsoft uses this data to ensure that close is working as expected and user content is successfully being persisted. ElapsedTotal - Total time spent in this call, ScopeId - name of the function containing the declaration or a custom name given through scope definition. Collected when a user attempts to open an IRM protected doc or apply IRM protections. excel.exe. Set the actions script-may-access-clipboard flag. OpenFrontDoorConnectionDurationInMs This is the time in milliseconds taken to open the connection to the FrontDoor service. This may answer_result_selected_count - tracks how many times the search was "successful", for example, did the user find the person they wanted? up a never-ending loop in order to read what the user places on event handler to access a copy of the system clipboard and potentially modify An accessibility service can determine what user interface element has Input Focus or We recommend disabling forms unless your webview content needs them. Queue tasks to fire any events that should fire due to Tag- Specifies where exactly the code has failed using the unique tag associated with it. (, Fix pending effects from being flushed too late. testing accessibility gestures. to read the text of a tooltip, and use the mail_paging_timeout_count - Tracks how many paging search requests were blocked due to Hx session timeout in the Mail tab within the combined search session. Activity_Result - A flag indicating if the activity succeeded, failed, or unexpectedly failed. [This event was previously named OneNote.MessageBar.MessageBarClicked. canceled the action will place the currently selected data on the system clipboard and remove the selection from the document. Eg- open from a URL or a local file path, create with file picker, copy to file path, export to URL, etc. It also contains critical file open performance data, and is an app start event from user perspective. Data.clientType - The type of device the app is run on. Assign NSPasteboardTypePNG to wellKnownFormat. FromSection - A unique identifier of a section. Data.userPuid -The globally unique user identifier for a consumer Microsoft account (duplicate of Data.UserInfo.MsaId), Data.version -The version of the service (Profile Card), DeviceInfo_Id The globally unique device identifier for a device, DeviceInfo_Make The brand of the operating system, DeviceInfo_Model The model of the device, DeviceInfo.NetworkCost - Indicates network cost/type (metered, metered above cap, etc. We collect data to figure out the outcome of the In-App purchase activation along with the flow used to activate (First Run Experience, In-App-Flow, Purchase, etc.). We plan to deprecate this in the long-term, instead shipping each as standalone pieces. (, Improve the warning about wrong component type casing. Constant for all sessions of all apps of a given installation version for multi-app suites, or constant for all sessions of a given application version. ResetErrorCode2 Error code from executing the creation after reset command. Deprecated component instance methods are removed: React DOM: When specifying a unit-less CSS value as a string, a future version will not add, Synthetic Events will now warn when setting and accessing properties (which will not get cleared appropriately), as well as warn on access after an event has been returned to the pool. CompletionState - Indicates the stage of sign-in completion. steps: Are these steps necessary? The event collects the state of the different accessibility options available during a session. This numpad is not an activity! The critical signal used to track when we decide to show user a safe boot dialog on next boot because we have been crashing on boot multiple times continuously. Data.CFREnabled - Indicates that CacheFileRuntime is enabled for the session. For more information on this file, look here: Keyboard, Keyboard.Row, Keyboard.Key. Data_InitialCount_RuleID_3 - Number of violations of Rule ID = n that were found the first time the acc checker ran in a session. Android SQLite Tutorial. Data_DirtyState - whether the document was created in a dirty state (with changes that need to be saved), Data_ErrorID - error identifier in case of operation failure, Data_MainPdod - The document identifier during this process session, Data_UsesCustomTemplate - indicates whether the document was created from a custom template. More minor internal changes for better compatibility with React Native; 0.14.4 (December 29, 2015) React. The same configuration options above, defined (, Add UMD production+profiling entry points (, Fix a regression in unstable exports used by React Native Web. text/plain clipboard formats when content in a web page is selected. If the markups source URL is known, then resolve all relative URLs in We use this data to help identify and fix those issues that might not seem too impactful at a broader level, but that turn out to be very impactful to a certain domain of users. Don't print stack traces by default in the CLI. IsExportable - A flag indicating whether this event was a result of a user action or not. Helps us understand if there are any issues with actions performed on all-day meetings. *, Symbol, etc.) Collects whether clicking the custom add-in control succeeded or not. Data_Doc_RtcType - Indicates how the real-time channel (RTC) was setup for current file (Disabled, unsupported, on demand, always on, etc.). Show selected drives below drive selection step. and are set apart from the normative text FileIOSaveIsCopy - Boolean to indicate if operation is saving a copy. Allows us to classify issues and identify whether a problem is widespread or isolated to a set of users or a specific tenant, Data.type -Type of the logged event, for example, Trace, Error, Event, Data.userAadObjectId -The globally unique user identifier for an enterprise Microsoft account (duplicate of Data.UserInfo.Id), Data.UserInfo.Id - The globally unique user identifier for an enterprise Microsoft account, Data.UserInfo.MsaId - The globally unique user identifier for a consumer Microsoft account, Data.UserInfo.OMSTenantId - The tenant that a user's subscription is tied to. events. Allows us to determine more specific details of a given failure such as a failure code that can be used to classify and fix issues. IsFRELoadSuccessful - integer mentioning the result state, [This event was previously named OneNote.App.AppBootComplete.]. so causes the services to conflict with each other. How can you get the build/version number of your Android application? If users can't create a page this would trigger a high severity incident. Categories are shown in the Diagnostic Data Viewer, but data subtypes are not shown. The paste action has no effect in a non-editable context, Using Suragch's answer as the basis for my research, I went on to design my own keyboard component. It contains the information needed to be able to properly investigate and diagnose issues that happen when the IpcGetTemplateList API call is made. Data_isResumeSession - Specifies whether the app was launched in resume or user did a fresh start. This document was published by the Web Editing Working Group as a Working Draft. The event monitors whether file-open-from-command-line is working as expected. ), Data_DstDoc_ReadOnlyReasons:long - Predefined set of values of why this document was marked read only (Locked on server, final document, password protected to edit etc. D-pad control. Allows us to identify the source of a piece of data so that we can validate and manage that events parameters. can invoke one of several enabled accessibility features and services, depending step2_appDidFinishLaunching - Tells us the amount of time it has taken for Outlook to go from the "appWillFinishLaunching" step to the "appDidFinishLaunching" step, which is a step defined by Apple. 2) The library that we are trying to load may be corrupt, because of errors in extracting it due to low disk space, or low memory. I mean, he gave us a "complete" file which uses names that couldnt be resolved! Data_Doc_IsSyncBacked Whether or not a cloud file exists locally and is synchronized with the server. This data is used for monitoring the health of the in-app purchase flows. YOu want to allow the table to respond to size correctly. And finally, we would like to acknowledge the contributions made by the following: Adam Barth, Collected when a user attempts to open an IRM protected doc or apply IRM protections. This info will help track if the crash cause has been resolved and the user can launch the app successfully. Should be set to True as NoteCreated is a user-triggered action. Move an item or select text. RMS.CallBackStatus - The status of authentication call back returned result, RMS.CallbackTime - The time consumed by authentication call back, RMS.CorrelationId - correlation ID of the http request, RMS.DataSize - data size of the HTTP request, RMS.HttpCall - indicate if there is nested http operation, RMS.WinhttpCallbackStatus - The status of winhttp call back result. Data_RenderToInSpaceDuration The duration between render end and the silhouette/canvas animation. We also log the office app package name in this field from which the data was requested. or remote shell applications), there is often a need for the clipboard data DateTime - Timestamp of when the event is logged. Don't show an unnecessary scroll bar in the update notifier modal. IDCRLACEErrorCode - Gives error code occurring during MSA sign-in flow. Fix uncaught error after rejecting elevation in OS X. Data_AvgTime: integer - Average time it took to render Visio drawing in a session, Data_CompositeSurfEnabled: bool - true is composite rendering mode is enabled, Data_Count: integer - Number of times Visio renders the drawing in a session, Data_FirstRenderTime: long - duration to render file on first launch in millisecond, Data_MaxTime: integer - Max time it took to render Visio drawing in a session. Data_Doc_DownloadDurationms - Time to download a PDF cloud file. Display image path base name as a tooltip on truncated image name. Let data be a copy of the system clipboard data represented as clipboard items. link dynamically open the image support url. Data_Doc_ServerDocId:string - immutable identifier for documents stored in cloud, Data_Doc_ServerProtocol:long - Predefined set of values of which protocol is used to talk to server (Http, Cobalt, WOPI etc. PrimaryUrl - the main URL to make the service call to, RequestTryCount - the number of times we attempted to make the service call, RequestTryCount - the number of times we tried to talk to exchange, ResultChain - the series of result code from each of the service call attempts, StartingIdentityState - identity objects reported state before making service calls, TelemetryId - a GUID representing a unique user whether we need to make other service calls. Data_FileIOInclusiveMeasurements A string value logging the time duration spent in some function calls, in a format with function tag and duration which includes the duration of sub-function calls.
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