This event collects information regarding the commit phase of the new Unified Update Platform (UUP) update scenario, which is leveraged by both Mobile and Desktop. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows secure and up to date. This event sends data indicating the result of each setup mitigation. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date, secure, and performing properly. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows secure and up to date. This event sends basic GPU and display driver information to keep Windows and display drivers up-to-date. This event sends data relating to the Revert phase of updating Windows. This event is sent when the Update Reserve Manager removes a pending hard reserve adjustment. This event indicates that the Handler Commit call succeeded. This event provides the parameters passed to the Delete Child operation of the AppLocker Configuration Service Provider (CSP) to help keep Windows secure. This event sends data about whether an update required a reboot to help keep Windows secure and up to date. This event indicates that a new set of SystemProcessorSse2Add events will be sent. This event indicates that the InventoryDeviceMediaClass object represented by the objectInstanceId is no longer present. The incorrect quota limits displayed in the Cloud console in the us-east5 region have been resolved. This will support both Evaluation and Training without any infrastructure changes. To learn more, see Configuring GitHub Issue notifications. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows secure and up to date. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows secure. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date. The data includes information about the crashing process and a summary of its exception record. This event sends basic telemetry on the failure of the Feature Rollback. This event indicates that a new set of InventoryUplevelDriverPackageAdd events will be sent. This event indicates that a new set of DecisionSystemBiosAdd events will be sent. This event sends data indicating the result of each setup mitigation. Currently, the default version is composer-1-airflow-1.10.15. This event indicates a new first boot into the system OS. This event indicates that a new set of SystemProcessorPrefetchWAdd events will be sent. This event is sent after a scan for available app updates to help keep Windows up-to-date and secure. This event indicates that the DatasourceApplicationFile object is no longer present. This event indicates that a new set of InventoryDeviceInterfaceAdd events will be sent. That will launch the Windows Store Apps troubleshooter in a new window. Applicable to PC and Mobile. This event indicates that the Coordinator WaitForRebootUi call succeeded. This is a diagnostic event that indicates a new sync is being generated for this object type. For more information, see the Rate limiting overview. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows secure and up to date. This event sends data for the start of each mode during the process of updating device manifest assets via the UUP (Unified Update Platform) update scenario, which is used to install a device manifest describing a set of driver packages. This event indicates that the Enhanced Engaged restart "first reminder" dialog box was displayed. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date. To get the latest product updates The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date. You can now launch clusters with the following Kubernetes versions: Anthos on AWS nodepools now includes the iptables utility to resolve an issue with the installation of Anthos Service Mesh. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows secure and up to date. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date. The data collected with this event is used to keep Windows performing properly. New sub-minor versions of Dataproc images: 1.5.75-debian10, 1.5.75-rocky8, 1.5.75-ubuntu18, 2.0.49-debian10, 2.0.49-rocky8, 2.0.49-ubuntu18. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date. Migration solutions for VMs, apps, databases, and more. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date. With a free trial instance, you can learn and explore Spanner for 90 days at no cost. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows secure and up to date. This event sends data for the start of each mode during the process of updating Windows via the new Unified Update Platform (UUP) scenario. Web-based interface for managing and monitoring cloud apps. The bucketing information is recorded in a Windows Error Reporting (WER) event that is generated when the WER client reports the hang to the Watson service, and the WER event will contain the same ReportID (see field 13 of hang event, field 19 of WER event) as the hang event for the hang being reported. Otherwise, navigate to the manager console to pause or delete the corresponding task queue. The new Batch Job Editor (roles/batch.jobsEditor) IAM role is intended to replace the existing Batch Job Administrator (roles/batch.jobsAdmin) role. Workaround: Annotate all instances of an entity within a doc. Released new controller unmanaged-detector. This event is raised after an executable delivered by Mitigation Service has successfully run. This event provides Winload fatal error information. This event runs only during setup. On or after April 8th, 2023, Cloud Text-to-Speech will replace the following voices with new voices of similar quality and accent. Specifically, it indicates the outcome of an OS uninstall. In some cases, required_once and optional_once entities appear multiple times in a document, with the same value copied to multiple locations. This event retrieves information about what sensor interfaces are available on the device. For new data profiles, infoTypes other than the predicted infoType will include the approximate percentage of non-null rows in which the infoType was detected. Added KubeVM roles. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows secure and up to date. This event indicates that a new set of DecisionMatchingInfoPassiveAdd events will be sent. The data collected with this event is used to keep Windows performing properly. This event is sent when the app for image creation is invoked. This event provides basic information about the device where update assistant was run. End of the "SetValue" operation for the AppLockerCSP node. If you use gcloud anthos version 1.4.2, and authenticate an Anthos cluster on VMware with gcloud anthos auth, the command fails with the following error: Decryption failed, no keys in the current key set could decrypt the payload. The data collected with this event is used to keep Windows performing properly. This event is sent when the update service orchestrator (USO) indicates the update cannot be superseded by a newer update. This event indicates that a new set of SystemMemoryAdd events will be sent. upgrade, The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date, secure, and performing properly. It handles classic Win32 hangs and is emitted only once per report. Backported the patch for SPARK-36383 in the latest 2.0 images. This event sends compatibility decision data about blocking entries on the system that are not keyed by either applications or devices, to help keep Windows up to date. A release was made. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows secure and up to date. The DecisionDriverPackageStartSync event indicates that a new set of DecisionDriverPackageAdd events will be sent. On September 29, 2022 we released an updated version of the Apigee hybrid software, v1.8.1. Search indexes and the SEARCH() function are now generally available (GA). Any documents labeled from that task after the processor is deleted will be unretrievable. This event Indicates that the DecisionMatchingInfoPassive object is no longer present. This event is sent when the registry indicates that the latest cumulative Windows update package has finished uninstalling. This event is also used to count WMR device. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows secure and up to date. Removed App Engine (including Firestore and Datastore), Support, and Anthos from, Refactors code to account for a tdqm code deprecation (, Validate opentelemetry span job attributes have values (, Azure AD Directory Audit (AZURE_AD_AUDIT), Azure AD Organizational Context (AZURE_AD_CONTEXT), Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (CISCO_ACI), Cisco Application Control Engine (CISCO_ACE), Cisco Email Security (CISCO_EMAIL_SECURITY), Fortinet FortiAnalyzer (FORTINET_FORTIANALYZER), HCNET Account Adapter Plus (HCNET_ACCOUNT_ADAPTER), McAfee Web Protection (MCAFEE_WEB_PROTECTION), Microsoft Azure Activity (AZURE_ACTIVITY), Windows Defender ATP (WINDOWS_DEFENDER_ATP), Mimic the pubsub test to clean up bigquery datasets (, Nested json with structured log handler (, Structured log handler drops reserved fields in json_fields (, Update dependency to v2.3.4 (, Update dependency to v2.3.5 (, Update dependency org.json:json to v20220924 (, Add reason, domain, metadata & details fields in Custom Exceptions to provide additional error info (. entity.asset.mac: defined when calling the createentities method. This event sends data indicating that a reboot task is missing unexpectedly on a device and the task is restored because a reboot is still required, to help keep Windows secure and up to date. The data collected with this event is used to keep Windows performing properly. Vertex AI Matching Engine now offers Preview support for updating your indices using Streaming Update, which is real-time indexing for the Approximate Nearest Neighbor (ANN) service. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows secure and up to date. This event sends true/false compatibility decision data about the CPU. Note that Generic Watson event types (e.g. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows secure and up to date. A demo for the Healthcare Natural Language API is now available. This event indicated that USO failed to add a trigger time to a task. This event indicates that the update has been completed. Select Windows Store Apps and Run the troubleshooter. The SRT Root Cause Diagnosis Start event sends information to report diagnosis operation started for given plug-in. Service for dynamic or server-side ad insertion. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date. This event is used to determine whether the user successfully completed the privacy consent experience. Accessing managed services using Private Service Connect with consumer HTTP(S) controls is available in General Availability for the global external HTTP(S) load balancer. This event is used to make compatibility decisions about files to help keep Windows up to date. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date. This event is sent when the Update Reserve Manager needs to adjust the size of the hard reserve after the option content is installed. This change improves monitoring performance. A sediment device is one that has been on a previous OS version for an extended period. This event indicates that this particular data object represented by the objectInstanceId is no longer present. Support for refactoring Tomcat applications to containers, which lets you deploy Tomcat application components as containers on GKE, GKE Autopilot clusters, Anthos clusters and Cloud Run, has moved from the Public Preview stage to General Availability. This event indicates that the DecisionDriverPackage object represented by the objectInstanceId is no longer present. Added new Memorystore for Redis region: Dallas (us-south1). On Migrate for Compute Engine, source creation can fail because it's unable to find a secret caused by a race issue of the reconciler and the secret creation. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date, secure, and performing properly. For example, the number of abnormal shutdowns due to power issues during boot sequence, type of display panel attached to base, thermal indicator, throttling data in hardware etc. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows secure and up to date. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date and performing properly. This is a revert event for target update on Windows Update Client. The new Apigee hybrid installation experience and its documentation are part of a preview release. This event is sent at the end of an app install or update to help keep Windows up-to-date and secure. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows secure and up to date. Use of this feature must be discontinued before clusters will upgrade to 1.25. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date and performing properly. Dataproc Serverless for Spark runtime version 2.0.1 upgrades Apache Commons Text to 1.10.0, addressing CVE-2022-42889. This event is fired by UTC at startup to signal what data we are allowed to collect. The consent state is encoded as a 16-bit signed integer, where the first 8 bits represents the effective consent value, and the last 8 bits represent the authority that set the value. Managed backup and disaster recovery for application-consistent data protection. This event removes the datastore allowing for corrupt devices to reattempt an update. There are no separate charges for using Cloud Trace, Cloud Monitoring, or Cloud Logging Microservices observability plugins. This event is sent after restoring user data (if any) that needs to be restored following a product install. The data collected with this event helps ensure the device is current and Windows is up to date and performing properly. This event sends basic metadata about an application on the system. The data includes information about whether hardware is configured correctly, if the software is patched correctly, and assists in preventing crashes by attributing issues (like fatal errors) to workloads and system configurations. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows secure and up to date. This event collects information regarding the install phase of the new device manifest UUP (Unified Update Platform) update scenario, which is used to install a device manifest describing a set of driver packages. This event indicates that a new set of DatasourceApplicationFileAdd events will be sent. This event sends a summary of all the update agent mitigations available for an this update. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows secure. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date. This event is generated when the RUXIM Interaction Campaign Scheduler (RUXIMICS.EXE) finishes processing an interaction campaign. This event is sent when searching for update packages to install, to help keep Windows up-to-date and secure. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows secure and up to date. Add a validationCheckDisabled flag in EnumTypeOptions to disable ENUM Validation. Playbook automation, case management, and integrated threat intelligence. Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Rapid channel will be upgraded from version 1.24 to version 1.24.3-gke.2100 with this release. This change makes it easier for customers to identify the disk in the VM. The data collected with this event is used to keep Windows and Windows Mixed Reality performing properly. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows secure and up to date. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows products and services performing properly. The BigQuery migration assessment is now available for Amazon Redshift in preview. with this release. This event is sent by the universal telemetry client (UTC) as a heartbeat signal for Sense. This event sends compatibility database data about driver packages to help keep Windows up to date. This event sends basic info on the result of the installation of the latest cumulative update. This event indicates the start of an Add operation for the AppLocker Configuration Service Provider (CSP) to help keep Windows secure. The data collected with this event is used to keep Windows performing properly and up to date. This event is fired by UTC at start-up to signal what data we are allowed to collect. Support for Eventarc triggers for Workflows is generally available (GA). This event provides basic information about active memory slots on the device. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date. This event returns information relating to the Enhanced Engaged reboot reminder dialog that was displayed. Deploy ready-to-go solutions in a few clicks. Improved the Kubernetes audit log of VM operations so that it contains detailed VM configuration and update information. This event represents the basic metadata about the OS indicators installed on the system. Execution results include the current or final step of the workflow execution. This schema enables customers to label checkboxes, if they are defined in the schema, and to accurately represent nested entities, such as parent-child relationships, on the HITL annotation and review console. This event represents what drivers an application installs. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date and performing properly. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows secure and up to date. This event represents the basic metadata about the OS indicators installed on the system. Support for exporting data from Cloud Storage to a file system is now generally available (GA). The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date, secure, and performing properly. TPM technology is designed to provide hardware-based, security-related functions. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows secure and up to date. This event collects data about common platform hardware error recorded by the Windows Hardware Error Architecture (WHEA) mechanism. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date. These patch releases contain the fixes for the security vulnerabilities listed in GCP-2022-020. This diagnostic event indicates a new sync is being generated for this object type. On Tomcat, if path X is defined on excludeFiles, and its ancestor directory is defined on additionalFIles, we will migrate X instead of excluding it. Details about the Update Assistant ESD download. Fixed a potential race condition in Airflow workers that could cause new tasks to be executed on a worker that is scheduled to be scaled down. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date. Launch the Microsoft Store, search for Microsoft Photos, and tap the Update button. For more information about UDM fields, see the Unified Data Model field list. Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Stable channel will be upgraded from version 1.21 to version 1.22.12-gke.1200 with this release. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date and performing properly. This event sends basic GPU and display driver information to keep Windows and display drivers up-to-date. GA: Added support for installing Anthos clusters on bare metal, using your own registry service, instead of will be upgraded from version 1.23 to, Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Regular channel This event is sent when RUXIM begins checking with OneSettings to retrieve any UX interaction campaigns that may need to be displayed. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows secure and up to date. The event indicates the details about the blob used for update health tools. That will import all images and videos to your computer. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date. This event indicates that the download phase of USO has started. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows secure and up to date. The data collected with this event is used to help keep Windows up to date. Service to prepare data for analysis and machine learning.
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