Moslems and Jews can eat meat other than pork, but only if it has been killed in certain ways governed by religious laws. Adapted from The Elements of Moral Philosophy by James Rachels, Chapter 2, pp. Epidemiologic studies have also shown, however, that refined sugar is not the sole cause of caries, since in some isolated communities caries does occur in its absence. The critical function of cultural relativism is to admit that the ground for judgment on other cultures comes from a kind of illusion. Where nutrition education has proved disappointing in the past, could it be that retention of customs has been as turbulent a thing as that of the villagers. Cultural relativism definition. Cultural relativism is a process which encourages the individual to define the rightness or wrongness of their ethics and morality on their own circumstances. Wheat and rice are primary grain products. Prohibits consumption of swine, shellfish, and carrion eaters. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. They have high incidence of lactose intolerance; low consumption of dairy products. The relationship between ethnicity and nutrition may be of evolutionary significance. 1Sreedhar Reddy,MDS, Dept Of Public Health Dentistry, Tagore Dental College and Hospital, Rathinamangalam, Melakottaiyur Post, Chennai 600127 Roth H.(1957) cited in N. Davies. Meat and milk are prepared in separate dishes/utensils and containers and not cooked, served, or eaten together.The dentist as a member of the health team can and in fact, is expected to impart sound nutritional information to his patients, particularly if it has an oral relevance. Further studies are required, however, to determine whether or not the incidence of caries can be reduced by altering the physical character of the food in people who frequently consume sticky, refined sugar preparations. 3. Authorities on the nutrition of people in Southeast Asia have pointed out that a diet which appears to be deficient is actually adequate, either because the people eat the most nutritious parts of plants and animals which elsewhere are thrown away as waste or because they have achieved an adaptation to the economical use of the food eaten. Imagine a culture which deems murder to be an ethical action. Cultural relativism is for the notion that truth is relative, depending on the cultural environment. Music, language, and food are all elements so unique in this city and so important to cultural identity. Metabolic conditions play an important role. The relation of nutrition to dental health. Meat is highly valued, mostly grilled, stewed, or preserved through drying and smoking. This study helpful to analyze respective role of different dietary factors including protein rich diet, age, gender etc. Attempts to compare the prevalence of dental diseases and conditions with the nutritional value of traditional diets have produced conflicting results-No consistent association of dental caries with a deficiency of any known nutrient has been established. However, others like clothing, art, and architecture differ from one culture to another and maintaining these differences remains important ( Pasamonik, 2004 ). Several countries have used cultural relativism as a reason for limiting rights in the Universal Declaration of the Human Right. In different cultures, certain foods are considered heavy, some are light some as foods for strength; some as luxury, etc1. High fat, high carb, high sugar sources of food are in abundance in New Orleans, and in a city known for its violence, diabetes was the second leading cause of death in 2010. Cultural relativism is a tool for unbiased critique; a reflection of our known ways. Required fields are marked *. People differ greatly in their sensory response to foods. As stated by Benjamin Paul3, It is relatively easy to perceive that others have different customs and beliefs, especially if they are odd or curious. It teaches us to look at other cultures and to respect their history and traditions. A third principle that should be emphasized was unfortunately not well illustrated in the example but is of fundamental importance. 2. Storage and distribution of food.-In the Middle East and Far East, where the facilities for refrigeration, preservation, or storage are non-existent, and any animal slaughtered must be consumed immediately, so that the supply of first-class protein is irregular8. It gives people an opportunity to change who they are at a core level without suffering consequences because of those actions. It helps us to re-examine and correct our assumptions and bias on cultures and people of the world. Evidence from surveys of isolated communities suggests that a relationship exists between poor maternal and infant nutrition and defects in the structure of the enamel of deciduous teeth. Other important factors include the selection and preparation of food, the order of eating, and the frequency of eating. Bull. By recognizing cultural relativism, a person recognizes that his or her culture shapes what is considered beautiful or otherwise, funny or abhorrent, good or bad, tasteful or tacky. In most African homes, it is never breakfast without a cup of tea, coffee, or porridge, whereas in the US a typical breakfast consists of cereals, milk, and sandwiches loaded with eggs and bacon. Consequently, whatever people regard as right or wrong and good or evil is indeed the product of the society. In sociology, the concept is practiced to overcome the problem of cultural bias that has plagued research. As an Alcohol and Other Drug Intervention Specialist, I see these numbers and right away want to try and change them, but I need to ask myself how alcohol is part of culture. In somecountries, however, an increase in the population and industrialization has encouraged the growth of a cash-crop economy, the abandonment of customary practices of soil conservation, and the impoverishment of the soil. The rate of obesity in New Orleans is four points higher than the national average and 64% of adults are overweight or obese. No consumption of animals slaughtered without pronouncing the name of Allah or killed in manner that prohibits the complete draining of blood from their bodies. That means you use your own culture as the center and evaluate other cultures based on it. Klatsky M. (1948) cited in N. Davies. 21-30 year age group was found to be most infected with dental caries. Social Customs and Habits and Their Effect on Oral Disease. Acculturative and environmental change influences the food habits and health of transitional groups. Food habits are among the oldest and most deeply entrenched aspects of many cultures and cannot, therefore, be easily changed, or if forcibly changed, can produce a series of unexpected and unwelcome reactions. In parts of Europe and the Middle East, fruits and vegetables are not preserved, so that they can be eaten only seasonally. A society that believes that there is no ultimate right or wrong loses a sense of making any rational judgment. 2, Inuit (Yupik) Family. The World Health Organizations Expert Committee (1961)12 on periodontal diseases has said that surveys of gingivitis in areas where nutritional deficiencies are evident in the population have not shown any consistent association between the deficiencies and gingivitis. Relativism, including cultural relativism, is considered to be self-contradictory and impossible, as it seems to reject the idea of a universal right and wrong. Cultural relativism tries to counter ethnocentrism by promoting the understanding of cultural practices that are unfamiliar to other cultures such as eating insects, genocides or genital cutting. It is a theory and a tool used by anthropologists and social scientists for recognizing the natural tendency to judge other cultures in comparison to their own and for adequately collecting and analyzing information about other cultures, without this bias. Paradoxically, the food that defines the culture and makes New Orleans so great, is killing its people. %%EOF 3. People can learn much from one another. Social Customs and Habits and Their Effect on Oral Disease. Primary grain used is corn; wild rice is also popularly consumed. It eliminates the idea of a universal morality. They found that incidence of dental caries was higher in female. Cultural relativism is appropriate for certain human rights; for instance, language, food. Another example of an unhealthy habit that is closely associated with culture and food is the Russian consumption of Vodka. Basically, however, the nutritive value of his diet is determined by the nutrients present in the soil upon which his food is grown. Examples of dietary preferences according to some cultural and religious beliefs. The modern world has widely embraced the concept of cultural relativism, with words such as tolerance and acceptance taking on a new meaning. What are the two main types of relativism? Food and food habits as a basic part of culture serve as a focus of emotional association, a channel of love, discrimination and disapproval and usually have symbolic references. Others avoid certain foods simply because they do not like them. Biomed Pharmacol J 2015;8(October Spl Edition), Reddy S, Anitha M. Culture and its Influence on Nutrition and Oral Health. Biomed Pharmacol J 2015;8(October Spl Edition). Social Customs and Habits and Their Effect on Oral Disease. According to a study published in the Lancet 25% of men in Russia die before they the age of 55, and most of the deaths are due to alcohol. Basically, it is a decision to understand an individual's behavior within the context of that individual's culture . It got me thinking about my role in public health and how cultural relativism influences health promotion. Ethnocentrism was often conducted by the wealthy white western men and focused on people who belonged to the lower economic class and other races. In short, epidemiologists and public health workers who recognize a need for better nutrition must consider the traditional methods of growing and storing food. Your email address will not be published. In some homes, women are confined to the kitchen and are proud to play their roles in such a setting while in some set-ups, women are encouraged to pursue leadership and engage in what would be considered mens fields.. World Health Organization (1961) cited in N. Davies. Christine M. Olson (1989)6 had stated that childhood nutrition education is imperative in health promotion and disease prevention. First, cultural relativism states that different societies have different moral codes. Yupik's marriage practices are very different from those . Basically,. Abdul Arif Khan. Cultural relativists uphold that cultures differ fundamentally from one another, and so do the moral frameworks that structure relations within different societies. Cultural relativism is the idea that beliefs are affected by and best understood within the context of culture. If these people are advised to breast-feed a child only at scheduled times or if they are advised that it is harmful to eat between meals, the public health worker makes the responsible for finding some other acceptable method by which the mother can give reassurance to a child who is punished or upset for some other reason. These factors vary widely in accordance with local custom or habit. Under these circumstances the prevalence of caries is always very low, but no attempt has yet been made to determine the relative contribution of the frequency of eating and vigorous mastication to this state of affairs. In several underdeveloped countries the customary methods of cooking result in the incorporation of sand and ashes in the food. Numerous dental and dietary surveys have established that a direct relationship exists between the prevalence of dental caries and the frequency with which fermentable carbohydrate in a sticky form is consumed. New Orleans is often exemplified as a city rich with African American and Southern culture. Under cultural relativism, appalling actions can be treated as a cultural tradition and allowed to remain in society, despite the harm it may cause. This idea removed moral stigma from cultural behaviors and traditions by understanding them in their context, rather than compared to another culture's standard, or an objective standard. While many food factors are involved, chief among them is the disproportionate consumption of foods high in fat, often at the expense of foods high in complex carbohydrates and fiber that may be more conducive to health. This results in extensive abrasion of the teeth. Abdul Arif Khan et al (2008)8 had conducted a study on prevalence of dental caries among the population of Gwalior (India) in relation of different associated factors. Is it our job to go into Russia and tell them that consuming alcohol at lunch business meetings, and drinking heavily every day of the week is wrong? There are cultural classifications of food such as inedible, edible by animals, edible by human beings but not by ones own kind of human being, edible by human being such as self, edible by self. These have shown that the prevalence of dental caries increases when the people change from their traditional diet to one which includes refined sugar and flour. The public health area that most interests me is nutrition policy. Firstly, culture is a subject that you can interpret from many perspectives. In cultural relativism, you get to pursue your own interests without restriction. Some nations like Malaysia and Colombia give special rights to specific groups of people. This is the knowledge that will help to determine why certain practices exist, how difficult it will be to change them, and give indications of the techniques that can be expected to be most helpful. It offers new perspectives. Food beliefs may have beneficial or detrimental effects on health status. Fig. However, if you test this position under general rules of logic, you soon discover that relativism is illogical and self-defeating. Instead of outright and immediate condemnation for perceived gaps in morality, there is an opportunity to look at the world through the eyes of another. Recommendations provided on this blog are not substitutions for medical care. Cultural variation- nutritional and clinical implications. Nutritional assessment may be complicated by cultural variation. The concept of cultural relativism covers a wide area of human interactions, beliefs, values, and practices. Cultural relativism is the ability to understand a culture on its own terms and not to make judgments using the standards of one's own culture. This study supports the hypothesis that parental attitudes significantly has an impact on the establishment of habits favorable to oral health. Health workers should have an intimate detailed knowledge of the peoples beliefs, attitudes, knowledge and behavior before attempting to introduce any innovation into an area. However, neither Boas nor the 21st-century relativist, James Wray-Miller coined the term cultural relativism. The term was first recorded by Alain Locke in 1924, who used the term to describe Robert Lowies cultural relativism. Cultural relativism is one of the most important concepts in the field of sociology, affirming and recognizing the relationship between social structure and the day-to-day life of an individual. The concept of cultural relativism was an important concept in countering the ethnocentrism that often tarnished research at the time. This is an example of ethnocentrism! Cultural relativism is the ability to understand a culture on its own terms and not to make judgments using the standards of one's own culture. An appreciation of the impact of cultural and ethnic diversity is important in understanding how parental attitudes to oral health vary. It has often been demonstrated that, in many areas of the world, people can live completely healthy lives despite the fact that, according to Western standards, their nutrition is inadequate8. Appreciation of the interaction of culture and nutrition may be of benefit to physicians and nutritionists in clinical practice and to those concerned with the prevention of nutrition related chronic diseases. These have shown that alterations in the prevalence of caries have accompanied changes in the frequency with which sugar and sugar products, such as candy, sugar-containing cookies, and cakes, have been consumed. Balendra W. (1949) cited in N. Davies. [1] According to Kreshover (1956)9, the incidence of oral manifestations of nutritional deficiencies is probably much less than commonly thought. Is it wrong to create moral judgments from an outside cultural perspective? There must be some level of structure put in place to control behavior and choice, otherwise any actions could be deemed fair and moral by someone, somewhere. It develops new ideas. 2. Ethnocentric judges other peoples cultures based on their own values and beliefs. HealthyHeels bloggers comply with all university policies, including the UNC-Chapel Hill Network Acceptable Use Policy, as well as applicable laws. John Cassel. . HealthyHeels in no way constitutes official University content. Such foods appear to be universally acceptable not only because of their pleasant taste but also because of their cheapness and the fact that they can be stored for comparatively long periods of time. (3) Studies of populations in developing countries. Social Customs and Habits and Their Effect on Oral Disease. Some are vegetarians because they believe in the superior virtue of plant foods. Factor analysis identified those attitudes, towards tooth brushing, sugar snacking and childhood caries. The goal of this is promote understanding of cultural practices that are not typically part of one's own culture. No consumption of carnivorous animals with fangs, birds of petty, and land animals without ears (. To define cultural relativism, you must understand two terms relevant to the topic. Methods of cooking have a marked effect not only on the physical character of the food as consumed but also on the nutritive value of the diet. Cultural relativism encourages two people from different backgrounds to have a conversation with one another. Because of the strong religious feeling against killing or eating cattle, less than per cent of the population of India eat meat. For most people food is cultural, not nutritional. It also helps one to make sense of a different culture. Cultural relativism is a position that has a few important principles we should discuss. Age, sex and mental state are factors of importance. Food beliefs may have beneficial or detrimental effects on health status. Social Customs and Habits and Their Effect on Oral Disease. It is important to seek more information by asking your consumer questions about his/her culture and what kinds of foods he/she may prefer to eat and at what time of the day he/she prefers to eat a large meal. Anitha, Reader, Dept Of Public Health Dentistry, Sree Balaji Dental College and Hospital, Bharath University, Pallikaranai, Chennai-600100, DOI :, Reddy S, Anitha M. Culture and its Influence on Nutrition and Oral Health. Nutrition education in public health programs- what have we learned. It has also greatly influenced social sciences such as anthropology. Tolerance becomes the absolute truth in and of itself which contradicts the entire concept of relativism. If relativism is true and all points of view are true, then the assertion that relativism is false, is true. People can learn much from one another. Several observers have noticed that some people who habitually chew sugar cane (but do not eat refined sugar) have a relatively low caries rate. Nutritional assessment may be complicated by cultural variation. Factors influencing standards of nutrition Soil management.-As an omnivorous animal, man obtains his food from both animal and vegetable sources. Which brings me back to cultural relativism: the idea that all cultures should be valued, no one culture is superior to another, and there is not one cultural norm that is right. How can we honor and respect cultural practice and also ensure health and equity for all? The idea of Cultural Relativism, as stated above, is appealing and a good scapegoat for the idea of what is moral. The Challenge of Cultural Relativism. Morality differs in every society, and is a convenient term for socially approved habits. It can be easily manipulated. This combination of factors may be responsible for the defects in both matrix formation and calcification of the enamel of deciduous teeth found in Fiji, Pukapuka, New Guinea, Hawaii, and Niue (New Zealand). It is not surprising, therefore, to find considerable differences in food selection between rural and urban communities. Statements and opinions expressed on the HealthyHeels blog are strictly those of the authors and not of the University of North Carolina. The relationship of some dietary factors to dental health is shown in Figure 2.3. 4. particular culture can be applied to everyone from that culture. For example, the attitude toward corn among Mexican Indians is religious. Critics of cultural relativism argue that there must be some unquestionable absolutes of right and wrong despite the culture of a society. Accordingly, there is no absolute reference to judge truth, beauty, or goodness other than one's own culture. It develops new ideas. The site administrator may, at their discretion, delete comments deemed to be uncivil, off-topic, or otherwise inappropriate. This view, however, is not supported by modern orthodontists. Available from:>. You set the definitions of what you can have and what you cannot have. It is generally more difficult to perceive the pattern or system into which these customs or beliefs fit. It is in this area of determining the pattern or system into which these customs or beliefs fit those social scientists can probably make their greatest contribution to health programs. Nelson Freimer et al (1983)5. These have shown that the incidence of caries can be altered by changing the form in which carbohydrate is eaten (i.e., its stickiness) and the frequency with which it is taken. From this it is clear that any study of the diet in relation to dental caries should not be restricted to an evaluation of its carbohydrate content. Neumann H.H., Di Salvo, N.A. Diet varies greatly according to region of country and lifestyle. The rate of obesity in New Orleans is four points higher than the national average and 64% of adults are overweight or obese. N. Davies. Therefore, any opinion on morality or ethics is dependent on a persons cultural perspective. 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