Forwards were asked to come as miners and to "think pickaxes think headlamps think 12% unemployment in 1984". BEHIND THE NEWS Twitter users called the event "disgraceful" and "disgusting". This money, which had been contributed by Durham miners over decades, was then confiscated and paid into the national funds of the Coal Industry Social Welfare Organisation (CISWO).By 2002, the compensation scheme for VWF and CB&E started to bear fruit and the finances of the Union improved. on July 06, 2022 This year's Durham Miners Gala is set to be the biggest of modern times, with more banners and brass bands taking part than at any time since before the Miners' Strike. Pro-vice chancellor Owen Adams said: "Durham University and Trevelyan College utterly deplore this event.". [3], The union became the Durham Area of the National Union of Mineworkers in 1945 and later officially became the North East Area of the NUM, although it was generally known by its former name. Thompsons successfully pursued the professional negligence case against Russell Young solicitors. The widows and dependants of former miners were advised and represented even though they were not affiliated members.This income still fell short of that necessary to run an effective service, so the Union had to draw on the Durham Mining Federation Convalescent Fund. Many of these men, once they realised that they had missed out, asked the Union for advice. Although the Miners Strike took place nearly forty years ago, the families and communities that experienced it in County Durham still have vivid memories of that year and have had to wrestle in their lives with the destruction of an industry. This gave some measure of justice to thousands of miners who had suffered for years from the results of wind-borne dust. The Great North Coalfield employed almost 250,000 men, producing over 56 million tons of coal annually from around 400 pits. In December 1870, William Crawford became the union's President, and was able to rebuild its membership, the DMA soon becoming the largest miners' union in the UK. Thompsons is a long-established firm of trade union solicitors which was established in 1921 by the socialist lawyer William Henry Thompson. The North East Co-operative Society, Northern UNISON and East Durham Community College all made substantial contributions and Durham County Council gave a large degree of logistic support. Socialising presented David with a release from the duties of office and those who have been fortunate enough to have spent time in his company will pay testimony to his warmth and humour. Some solicitors had the excuse of incompetence but there were a number who were just predatory and took large amounts of the settlement for themselves. Today no deep-coal mines exist in the county and numbers attending the Miners' Gala decreased over the period between the end of the strike and the 21st century. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Kevan Jones, the son of a Nottinghamshire miner, had rightly campaigned against the predatory solicitors who had ripped off miners. On Thursday August 2 2012 over 500 attended a service at St Magdalen Church, Seaham Harbour in celebration of the life of this outstanding miners' leader. James Marley, 78, from Washington, received a settlement of 1,450 eight years ago for his vibration white finger claim. "Once the compensation payments began to flow into the communities, other firms of solicitors who had not taken part in any of the test cases then jumped on the bandwagon and touted for business. In 1972 and 1974, strikes shut down every coal mine in Britain, and a combination of solidarity strikes by the steel and railway unions and targeted picketing of coking works, ports and industrial sites brought the country to a standstill. This public event was organised by Dr Tom Hamilton from our Department of History. MacColl-ShuttleAndCage-IndustrialFolkBallads, p. 14, "The Durham Strike" (1 text, 1 tune) DT, DURHLOCK* NOTES [121 words]: This song refers to the great Durham Coal Strike of 1892. Women and the miners strike of 1984. It again attempted to join in 1897, but asked to be bound only on questions of wages, which was not permitted. One such case was reported in the Sunderland Echo on September 15 2004: A retired Wearside miner has won his battle for justice over compensation for an industrial disease. His work has been awarded the Wolfson Prize for History. The investment from these contributions was the only guaranteed long-term income which would allow the Union to fight future cases, to take up the cases of men whose entitlement to compensation had been disputed and to finance community activity, of which the Gala was a vital part.Following the success of the VWF campaign, that for CB&E met with equal success. Organisers of the event, who appeared to be associated with the rugby team at Trevelyan College, asked those playing different positions in the game to take the opposing sides in the 1984 dispute. Video, Jeremy Bowen on reporting from Ukraine's frontline, French parliament stopped over 'racist' remark, Dutch wolves to be paintballed to scare them away, Black Panther stars arrive at European premiere, Donald Trump sues top NY lawyer for 'intimidation', Lapid congratulates Netanyahu on Israel election win, FBI warns of 'threat' to New Jersey synagogues, Mining giant ordered to pay 275m over oil bribes. The Big Meeting - also known as the Durham Miner's Gala - is a unique event. Several Durham miners have been able to turn their former mining careers into careers in art. The strike involved about 300,000 coal miners in the Federated District, making it larger than any previous strike in the UK. The company wanted to impose a pay cut of 10%. 'He was educated at St Joseph's Roman Catholic school in Seaham until the age of 15 when he started work at Dawdon Colliery. Unite general secretary Sharon Graham - who is scheduled to speak at next month's Durham Miners' Gala - this week blasted Sir Keir for instructing Labour MPs not to join rail workers on picket. Those closest to him experienced his unconditional love, generosity, patience and support. He was a convinced socialist and an active member of the Labour Party. The following is a brief history of the 14 years prior to the strike commencing. 'David leaves behind a dear wife Christine and two children Stephen and Maria from his first marriage to Joan and much loved grandchildren.' Compensation payments to former miners, some as high as 60,000, were changing the lives of many former mineworkers. [2], The union saw rapid success, with the abolition of the unpopular Yearly Bond in 1872, while a short strike in 1874 began a process of agreeing wages across the county. The 1984-85 Miners' Strike in the Durham Coalfield - Easington Colliery 1984 It was not a gesture which Springsteen loudly bragged about. THE DURHAM STRIKE. Lesbian and Gays Support the Miners during the miners strike The cross next to the Wujek Coal Mine. Speaking at the Gala in 2008 the then Chief Executive of Thompson, Geoff Shears, paid tribute to the work of the DMA compensation department when he said: Vibration white finger, chronic bronchitis and emphysema cases arose at that time when the Union was on its knees and there was a massive financial risk in fighting test cases and the government refused to meet its responsibilities to negotiate a compensation scheme. The strike saw arrests and clashes between miners and police in villages . Much of this scattergun approach was pursued under the protection of parliamentary privilege, which meant he could attack the leaders of the Durham miners without fear of legal redress.Dave Hopper in his vote of thanks to several Galas challenged Jones to debate his objections in an open public forum but to no avail. Huge crowds are expected when the Gala returns this Saturday (July 9) after a two-year hiatus due to the Covid 19 pandemic. The biggest disappointment is that the Labour Government when in power did not accept the merits of the case and introduce a scheme to settle these claims which would have saved millions of pounds on legal fees. David Wray was an electrician at Sacriston during the strike. Guest speaker, Professor Robert Gildea, is Professor Emeritus of Modern History at the University of Oxford. [2], While the union represented the large majority of miners in County Durham, some in specialist roles were represented by the Durham County Colliery Enginemen's Association, the Durham Colliery Mechanics' Association, and the Durham Cokemen's Association. Send any friend a story. That May, Anne organised a. Alongside the Durham Miners, the Durham Mechanics and the South Wales Deputies were funding the action but the majority of test cases, and therefore the highest potential cost if the cases failed, would fall to the Durham Area and this could be counted in millions of pounds.In legal cases of this kind the appellants have to prove that they have the resources to pay the costs if the cases fail. Striking miners in Darnall supported themselves by independently working a coal seam they discovered The 1893 miners' strike was a major industrial action affecting many areas of Great Britain. They will be joined by Sams daughter, Caitlin, now a student at Newcastle University, who speaks for a third generation that has been shaped by the strike. We celebrate the struggles and traditions of the miners and their families - both the historic struggles, and the struggles of workers and young people today. Knees Case UpdateOn October 25 2012 the DMA was notified that three Appeal Court judges, on a unanimous decision, had rejected their appeal against the ruling of His Honour Judge Grenfell that their claim for damages for miners suffering from osteoarthritis of the knee was 'time barred'. R Forbes, and D Smithson, Feelings alive '84/85: poems of the miners' strike in Durham (1986) - Shelfmark: AG Miners Strike Box 1. They said the organisers had a "complete lack of respect for local history" and "ought to be ashamed". More than 50 Durham miners' banners and more than 50 brass bands are now confirmed as attending. In 1999 this generous grant came to an end, before the VWF scheme had produced any return contributions. Miners spread the strikes through mass picketing. 20 July 2022 Media release Outreach & community engagement Partnerships & Collaboration Durham University recently hosted an open discussion on an important part of the North East's history: the Miners' Strike. on December 7, 2014 Durham-miners.pdf (266.68 KB) strikes mining Durham's coalfield saw its last pit close in. Many have supported the Union financially and as a result the DMA has consolidated and will expand its services. After this appeal was dismissed, the legal advice from counsel was that there was no real prospect of success if the appeal was taken to the Supreme Court given the limited grounds available for such an action.The DMA now faces huge legal costs the lowest estimate being 1.4M which is, of course, a terrible blow to the DMA and the other members of the Funding Group. However, it was a role which took David and his family away from the community he loved to Durham City where he never really settled. A series of articles reflecting readers' memories of the Gala stimulated interest and the contributions flowed in. This was the first miners union in the area and, although this strike was not a success, it had sown a seed in the minds of the men which was to grow and grow. Keith Pattinson spent six months at the height of the miners' strike documenting the Durham village of Easington No Redemption by Keith Pattison and David Peace is published by Flambard Press. Guests were told to "expect a confrontation bigger than the Battle of Orgreave". However, he also objected to the return contribution scheme operated by the Durham Miners. Miners left their pits to fight the attempt of the Thatcher government to close the collieries, break the miners' union and the labour movement in general, and open the way to a free market economy in which deregulated financial capitalism would be set free by the Big Bang of 1986. They are also seen shouting at strike-breakers entering the mine and clapping at those who decide to leave. The rally went ahead that year although the Gala was cancelled. 'As Geoff Shears had said, the Union took a gamble and won. Nationally up to the first week in June of this year 1.07bn has been awarded in CB&E claims and 972m awarded in VWF.This undoubted triumph could not have been possible without the unique partnership which had been established between Thompsons Solicitors and the Durham Area NUM. The strike saw arrests and clashes between miners and police in villages such as Easington Colliery. However, contact with the National Union of Mineworkers is still maintained through the NUM North East Area for which Dave Hopper remains General Secretary. Through Thompsons the DMA won the highest overall compensation, outstripping by thousands of pounds, those cases handled by other solicitors. These claims were initiated by the Durham Miners Association with the support of a number of other funding bodies and were first launched in 2008.In the Summer of 2010 eight test cases were heard in the High Court at Leeds, including three from Durham. THE DURHAM MINERS' STRIKE. A longer strike in 1879 was unsuccessful in preventing cuts to wages, but action in 1890 ensured that the district was the first in the county to adopt a standard seven-hour day. The annual Durham Miners' Gala (or "Big Meeting"), first held in 1871, was a distinctive feature of the coalfield throughout its productive life. At the discussion event, Prof Gildea was in conversation with David Wray, whose family were part of the scheduled interviews. First hosted in 1871, the Gala is the world's greatest celebration of community, s. The organisers said to expect "a confrontation bigger than the Battle of Orgreave", The Facebook invitation was headlined Backs v Forwards, Trevelyan College authorities said they deplored the proposed event. The ringleaders were arrested and their families evicted by bailiffs guarded by troops. County Durham has a rich mining history with, at its height, tens of thousands of miners working in pits across the area. Only a handful of Durham miners working in other coalfields were paying subscriptions. Mr Marley, who spent more than 40 years working as a pitman, took up a professional negligence case against Russell Young solicitors, who handled his initial claim, and received a further 4, was when the Durham Miners' Association put him in touch with its solicitors, Thompsons, that he discovered he was entitled to more cash. Guests had been asked to come dressed as miners or members of Margaret Thatcher's government. In 1993 a highly successful New Zealand businessman called Michael Watt, who had at one time worked in Durham with former Durham miners, made a grant to the Union which covered the cost of the Gala in the immediate period after the closure of the collieries. In 1835 Haswell Colliery, newly opened, was connected to the waggonway. From Woolworths in Barnsley town centre several collieries and pit heaps were visible until after the Miners' Strike of 1984-85. The miners' strike of 1984-1985 was one of the most bitter industrial disputes Britain has ever seen. ; BOTH SIDES OBSTINATE AND NO SETTLEMENT IN SIGHT. The Durham Miners' Association was created to represent members at medical tribunals, to give advice on all aspects of pensions and benefits and to pursue further litigation for former miners suffering from osteoarthritis of the knee. When the miners' strike began in March 1984, she decided to try to make sure no family in Durham's former scattered mining communities was left without support. In particular, the Durham union opposed the Eight Hours Bill, which was strongly promoted by the MFGB. Life was hard for miners and their families, but . He was a deep thinker with a keen analytical mind and a determined will. It was not insurance companies, not claims' farmers, not legal aid funds who were prepared to fight but it was the DMA and other areas of the National Union of Mineworkers. The interviews will form the basis of his new book and will in turn, be archived by the British Library. Sustaining and presiding over the Durham Miners' Gala was his passion and a further example of his excellent leadership. He and his wife Dorothy ran a soup kitchen in Leadgate and their daughter Sam, a teenager at the time, enjoyed the visits of musicians who helped to raise funds for striking families. A short film exploring the history and meaning of the Durham Miners' Gala. He also enjoyed music, sport, travel and current affairs, including the current form on the turf! But it is a catastrophe for the miners who are suffering these painful symptoms. In the preface to this special edition, Anne Suddick discusses the issues that came out of the women's forum at last year's Miners' Strike Twenty Years On: Challenges and Changes conference, which was attended by women activists from the Durham area, and by national officials from Women Against Pit Closures. Opposition to the strike was led by the Conservative government of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, who wanted to reduce . A rare etched cordial glass commemorating the Durham Miners' Strike of 1892. [5], Durham County Colliery Enginemen's Association, Catalogue of DMA records at Durham County Record Office,, National Union of Mineworkers (Great Britain), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 9 August 2022, at 07:24. This hugely disappointing decision will deny compensation to former miners suffering from this painful and debilitating condition despite the fact that both sides accepted that the damage to the miners' knees was the result of their work in the mining industry. [2] Although the union affiliated to the Miners' Federation of Great Britain (MFGB) in 1892, it was expelled the following year after refusing to join the national strike. The film shows striking miners picketing at the colliery and negotiating with the police. The fabric of the Union was preserved, the Gala continued and the Union was able to embark on a further expensive legal campaign for miners who were suffering from osteoarthritis of the knee. The 1984-85 Miners' Strike in the Durham Coalfield - Easington Colliery 1984 9 of 24. From the outset this firm was dedicated to fighting for the rights of working people and does not and has never worked for employers or insurance companies. Most, but not all, of the Northumberland and Durham miners went on strike in 1810. . The seeds of the strike of 1844 by the coalminers of Northumberland and Durham were sown well before that year. Public Talks, training, seminars & conferences Photo credit: Kath Connolly Although the Miners' Strike took place nearly forty years ago, the families and communities that experienced it in County Durham still have vivid memories of that year and have had to wrestle in their lives with the destruction of an industry. 'Despite David's high public profile he was a very private and modest person and would almost certainly be surprised by the amount of attention his passing has generated. The appeal was finally heard in London between April 30 and May 2 2012. Anyone can read what you share. They were not to be disappointed when despite four letters of invitation to seek the return of their contributions only a small percentage took advantage. As Bishop of Durham, he supported mining communities through the 1984-85 strike and beyond. Over the past two years, Prof Gildea has conducted 125 interviews with people and their families on their experience of the Miners Strike. For Durham mineworkers, the Russian revolution - which for the first time in history brought to power a government that claimed to rule on behalf of working people - was a great inspiration. 26 Apr 1879 The Spectator Archive THE concurrence of a Strike, great almost beyond pre- cedent, with a period of extraordinary trade depression is so disastrous a. Numerous compensation claims for miners injured in the pits were still outstanding and had to be financed.In addition to these individual cases the Durham Area had been fighting since 1988 a number of test cases to establish the right to compensation for miners suffering from the industrial disease vibration white finger (VWF). By 2004, on the 20th anniversary of the long strike some progress had been made and Dave Guy was able to give this encouraging message to the Gala:I pay tribute to our members and their families who during this devastating period have given their support to the Union by maintaining their associated membership. Murton Colliery in County Durham, 1992. DILLIAN'S HEARTACHE The prolonged strike of 1892 against a proposed 15% cut in wages ended with an agreement to accept a 10% cut. He has published many books on modern European and transnational history, especially on the Second World War and Europes 1968. Over the years Thompsons have fought many test cases which have resulted in many hundreds of thousands of workers obtaining compensation for their injuries. In the second phase the focus shifted to the transport sector. He was a caring and compassionate man, his values undoubtedly influenced by his upbringing and his experience of day-to-day life at the coal face. At his. Only a handful of Durham miners working in other coalfields were paying subscriptions. However they were not expecting opposition from a Labour MP, particularly one from the former mining constituency of North Durham. David John Douglass, A year of our lives: a colliery community in the great coal strike of 1984/85 (1986) - Shelfmark: H32. Since the miners whose cases the Union was championing were so debilitated by their condition that they relied on state benefit, legal aid was granted.After a protracted struggle the VWF claim was finally won in the High Court in 1997 when seven miners were awarded a total of 120,000 for their injuries. Jones consistently failed to take up the challenge. The whole tone of the strike changed when some miners returned to work to one of vitriolic hatred directed at those perceived to be breaking the strike. ", 'Renewable energy superhighway' approved by Durham Council, Hour-by-hour North East weather forecast from the Met Office on Friday, County Durham Incident LIVE: Car catches fire at bus stop as emergency services attend, Two new Toolstation stores to open in Sunderland as new jobs are created, North East families of teens killed in Manchester Arena bomb attack react after inquiry finds emergency service failings, Imran Khan survives deadly Pakistan rally shooting, Jeremy Bowen on reporting from Ukraine's frontline. She was a founder member of Peace Action Durham, a lifelong member of Ban the Bomb, campaigned against South Africa's apartheid and joined solidarity groups for the people of Vietnam, Nicaragua. The Durham Miners' Association (DMA) was a trade union in the United Kingdom. The policeman who tried to stem Seoul Halloween crush, Aboriginal boy's killing puts spotlight on racism, Billions being spent in metaverse land grab. . All these cases fell outside the provisions of the scheme and the costs had to be borne out of the money provided by the members who had returned part of their awards.As Dave Guy explained: "This in my opinion was in the best tradition of the Durham miners. "The university reserves the right to take appropriate action against those who fall short of these standards. Pensioners sent in small donations often accompanied by handwritten letters saying how they had attended the Gala since childhood and how important it was to them.George Rowe, who had worked at the Lambton D Pit and was 70 and suffering from emphysema, made a special effort when he raised 500 in a sponsored swim. It became an important date in the calendar of national labor movement. 2022 BBC. David was an electrician at Sacriston during the strike, and he and his wife Dorothy ran a soup kitchen in Leadgate. His most recent book is Empires of the Mind: The Colonial Past and the Politics of the Present (2019), and he has published many books on modern European and transnational history, especially on the Second World War and Europes 1968. A miners' strike-themed student rugby club event has been criticised as "disgraceful" and swiftly cancelled. Undermined, written and performed by Danny Mellor, will be hosted at Redhills: Durham Miners Hall on Friday 6 March. County Durham has a rich mining history with, at its height, tens of thousands of miners working in pits across the area. In doing so the DMA was releasing them from a signed undertaking which they had made.It was another gamble but this time the Executive was not gambling on the caprice of a legal system but the loyalty of its members. century a new coalfield was discovered at Selby in Yorkshire but at the time of writing (July 2002) it has just been announced that even this will close shortly. For . Someone or some organisation hostile to the work of the DMA, under the cloak of anonymity, challenged the Union's use of the Federation Convalescent Fund.The Executive Committee was even more concerned when the Charity Commission made a judgment which contradicted the Union's legal advice and ruled that the Union had to pay the money back. Footage believed to have been shot by Durham Police Constabulary of pickets at Usworth Colliery near Sunderland during the miner's strike of 1972. This put the Union on the horns of a dilemma. Unfortunately some miners took up their offers and as a result achieved much lower awards than were achieved by Thompsons. History of Durham Miners 1993 - 2015 When the last pit on the Durham coalfield closed the Union faced huge problems. The violence that was meted out to working miners, their families and property was nothing short of deplorable and left a shameful stain on the mining community. David Jenkins, who became known as 'The Miners' Bishop', was born on this day in 1925. Durham Miners' Rehabilitation Centre at Hermitage, Chester-le-Street, opened officially. For more information about this format, please see the Archive Torrents collection. The year-long strike involved hardship and violence as pit communities from South Wales to Scotland fought to retain their local collieries - for many the only source of employment. More than a million books are available now via BitTorrent. The miners' strike of 1984-85 brought clashes between miners and police in villages such as Easington Colliery. Better known as 'Black Friday', 15 April saw the miners and the miners strike alone after the NTWF and NUR did not join in with the strikes. Robert Gildea is Professor Emeritus of Modern History at the University of Oxford. The pair are now part of Education 4 Action, which teaches school pupils about their northern heritage. Yesterday's procession is reputed to have been the largest since before the 1984-85 Miner's strike at over 200,000 - and yet, as Dennis Skinner reminds us here, there are not only no working pits in Durham any more but no working pits in Britain.It's an event that has been and is continually remade . Most read in News. The end of the dispute saw the power of trade unions significantly diminished. Backs were asked to elect one member to be "the Iron Lady herself" with others coming as her government, police officers or Falklands War heroes. However, the DMA decided to put the loyalty of its members to the test and wrote to all miners and dependents who had benefited from the VWF and CB&E explaining that their contributions would be returned if they wished. A play exploring the Miners' Strike will be performed at the historic home of the Durham miners on the anniversary of the start of the dispute. The one-man show is based on true stories and events from the 1984-85 strike. The Miners' Strike, Durham Coalfield, 1984-85, by Keith Pattison, published by Cafe Royal Books, is priced 6.50. Read about our approach to external linking. Photograph: Bob Anderson/Rex Features . The Braddyll Railway was destined to last two years longer than its parent colliery, being destroyed at Parkside in Seaham by local people digging for coal during the Miners' Strike of 1984-85. There was no union of Durham and Northumberland miners until 1830 when The UK miners' strike of 1984/5 caused many miners across the county to strike. "We are speaking to those students and we are considering what further action to take in due course," he added.
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