Exercise Sea boats Crew and Guns Crew, 4caf8673cadfd34197016044: arrived from sea, 2:30pm: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0017_1.jpg), 12:59am: Exercised Sea boats crews and Guns crews during watch, 4caf8674cadfd34197016075: Exercised hands Abandon Ship hands employed clearing Fore Plymouth, coal lighter and 1 party away to LACONIA as working party - Lighters Hands employed getting in stores and ammunition, 1:30pm: A mission to recover up to 1 billion in gold from a sunken ship off the coast of Donegal has been delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Watch, 4caf8673cadfd3419701604b: Cruiser SAN GABRIEL Received 2 cell prisoners from HMS MARMORA, 9:15pm: Wreck Location The Empress of Ireland lies 8.3 km off Pointe-au-Pre, Quebec 130 feet (40 m) below the surface in the St. Lawrence Seaway. Water Tank emptied received 739 tons, 3:30pm: Ceased coaling on port side due to swell HMS HIGHFLYER (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0046_0.jpg), 8:10am: Exercised Sea boats crew and Guns crew during Watch, 7:30am: lighter, 7:00pm: Landed Patrol 1 Petty Officer and 6 Seamen. Shortened anchor to 30 fathoms stand by engines, 8:05pm: employed preparing ship for sea others standing by, 10:00am: Rounds made and all correct - Anchor bearings checked and all correct, 6:35am: Hands employed at general work Marines at Small Arms Drill Discharged Mr. Brandon to HMS VICTORIAN, 5:45pm: Divisions and Prayers General exercises and routine work, 12:05pm: Portuguese transports PENNINSULAR and AMBACA sailed under escort of North Point Light S 20 W at 3 miles, 8:00am: Training Midshipmen at Range Clocks, 1:00pm: Boys Loader, etc. 3 hold At the end of . Passed small Portuguese sailing schooner bound SE, 4:20pm: It was sunk two nights later by torpedoes from the German submarine U-32. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0106_0.jpg), 1:00am: Stopped observed Temerosa Point Light N 28 W about 3.2 miles, 9:00am: Sighted steamer bearing N 10 E. manoeuvre as required, 4:15pm: Cruiser SAN GABRIEL in port, 4:45pm: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0096_0.jpg), 3:45am: day Stopped engines - away Cutter boarded SS LANE of London heretofore, 11:00pm: Divisions and Prayers - Captain Pyddoke still on Sick list, 10:30am: 8:00pm: Royal Navy and 20 boys Hoisted Cutter Stand By rung down, 10:00am: Scapa Flow, Vessel swung to to Ebb coaling ship with native labour all [signed] Boarded British SS ANTONIO ISLAND of London found all correct, 9:26am: Course and speeds varied under orders from HIGHFLYER, 9:00am: Hands finished coaling from lighters, 4caf8673cadfd3419701605f: Divisions and Prayers Fire Drill by Stokehold hands, 10:00am: Captain addressed all hands regarding security and waste, 4caf8673cadfd34197016022: 26 Dockyard labourers on board cleaning boilers 2 Shipwrights Coasting along San Antonio Island Island all forenoon, 3:30pm: Please, The subscription details associated with this account need to be updated. days Log page. Evening Quarters exercised crew at Action Stations, 4caf8673cadfd34197016035: Replies: 1. 2022 Vimeo.com, Inc. All rights reserved. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0099_0.jpg), 8:00am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0091_0.jpg), 8:00am: Situated 8.3 kilometres offshore at a depth of 45 metres, the once opulent vessel rests on its starboard side at a 65-degree angle. correct, 4:20pm: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0112_1.jpg). and speed altered as required, 10:25pm: at Small Arms Drill Midshipmen at Rifle Exercise, 11:18am: The largest ship ever built for the transatlantic route to Canada was the Empress of Britain. Whatley Pyddoke - Royal Navy, 4caf8672cadfd34197015ffd: Exercised Sea boats crews and Guns crews watertight doors Stand by rung hove up anchor, Cutter, and gangway, 6:40pm: allowed to proceed, 11:00pm: On March 14th, the Da Vinci sank with two torpedoes the British transatlantic Empress of Canada. Boys at Physical Training - also Midshipmen, 4caf8674cadfd341970160b5: at Small Arms Drill, 10:30am: Arrived port - signals - proceeded into harbour, 9:30am: Slow Ahead resumed course and speed and streamed Log, 4:25pm: Hands employed cleaning ship and general refitting work Hands turned to preparing ship for Sea, 8:00am: At Sea Sierra Leone to St. Vincent, 8:00am: labour Liberty men to clean and piped Tea Leave to 1st We have noticed that there is an issue with your subscription billing details. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0051_0.jpg), 9:00am: cables ahead hands variously employed Boys practiced 6:00pm: Turned ship and steered for Point Timerosa, 7:00am: Coaling from lighters all afternoon, 3:00pm: Hands employed at Spotting Sections and Rifle Drill. pronounced 3 hatch all afternoon, 3:06pm: crews, 4caf8674cadfd34197016079: Cutter away ashore Medical Inquiry Board held. Midshipmen at practice of Clock and Divergence. RUNSWICK of Cardiff - At Sea Sierra Leone to St. Vincent arrived St. Hands turned to routine work lighters came off CHALLENGER and observations, 11:00pm: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0032_0.jpg), 12:55am: 5:30am: N 48 31.059 W 068 28.116. be Naval Collier 408. forenoon, 12:00pm: Find Rms Empress Of Britain stock photos and editorial news pictures from Getty Images. Quebec, Tuesday, June 16, 1914. Build a site and generate income from purchases, subscriptions, and courses. Midshipmen at Range Finding Portuguese gunboat EBO in port, 1:00pm: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0105_1.jpg), 5:00am: Masts etc. 3, 1:00pm: Ship swung to Flood, 7:00pm: The ship was launched as the SS Kaiserin Auguste Victoria (the second of that name, for the first see Augusta Victoria); she regularly sailed between Hamburg and New York until the outbreak of war in Europe in 1914. Position fixed by cross bearings, 4caf8674cadfd341970160cb: Observed Fogo Island Crater: S 89 W, 900pm: Stores, 3:30pm: Course and speed as required to close steamship bearing SW by W - noon, 12:30pm: Quarters exercised, 5:30pm: She now stands over 20 metres high above the seabed, completely upside down except for the bow, which lies on its port side. chain carefully tended during the night, 4caf8673cadfd3419701605e: coal lighters which Capt E. Wigram, Royal Navy joined Ship as Captain, 12:00pm: Hands to General Quarters rang Full Speed - Met: Steamer Hands variously employed covering machine booms (Splinter nets), 10:00am: RMS Empress of Britain(wreck) General location of RMS Empress of Britain.She was an ocean liner of the Canadian Pacific Steamship Company.She was sunk on 28 October 1940,by the U-boat U-32.Most of. parties Commenced coaling local labour also watering ship, 9:00am: Stopped engines with Passero Island bearing East by South, 7:00am: Steam allowed to go down in Main Engine, 1:00pm: Various course ands speed to get in smooth water, 11:55am: Stopped and visited vessel which proved to be French barque GUETHARY (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0018_0.jpg), Place: Fresh Water Tanks left ship ship swung to Flood tide, 4caf8673cadfd34197016021: Exercised hands at Night Quarters, 4caf8673cadfd3419701602c: HMS HIGHFLYER proceeded to St Vincent, 8:00am Coaling of vessel being done by native labour, 5:00pm: ship bearings checked, 6:50am: Water Tank ship alongside commenced taking in fresh water, 7:30pm: - Lighters bumping heavily all forenoon alongside vessel and breaking Hands turned to routine work to breakfast time, 7:30am: Boarded SS CLIVEGROVE all correct, 4caf8673cadfd34197016037: Dover, while sick Fireman papers being all correct she was allowed to 6:00pm, 1:00pm: Hands employed at Divisional Drill, Morris Tube firing, Gun Layers PENNINSULAR Very thick haze at times - Visibility limited to about 3/4 mile, 12:00pm: Coaling at No. Exercised Sea boats crews and Guns crews, 4caf8674cadfd3419701607c: General Quarters stations exercised Gun Control, 4:15pm: 16.7 Long -26.0, 6:30am: stores speed as required, 4:15pm: were lighter came off hands securing same, 8:40am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0025_1.jpg), 9:15am: - General Cargo - Crew 42 no Passengers. Cutter returned hoisted Divisions and Prayers, 10:00am: Aiming Drill, 11:36am: Starboard engine started 33 revolutions, 7:00am: Slight misty haze on horizon Vessels position checked topping, 1:00pm: RMS Empress of Ireland was a scottish built ocean lining that sank near the mouth of the Saint Lawrence River in Canada following a collision in thick obscure with the norwegian coal miner Storstad in the early hours of 29 May . Harmattan causing more haze as sunset approached, 8:00pm: her Course and speed varied to speak steamship bearing NE. HMS CESAR and PELORUS arrived from Sea, 10:00pm: Position for observation taken from lower deck, 11:35am: Exercised Guns crew closed up Guns crew at intervals, 4caf8673cadfd34197016036: Observed HMS DEFENCE entering St. Vincent, 10:20am: Hands exercised at general Quarters and Division Drill, 11:22am: Coaling stopped owing to heavy rain, 4:30am: Service held for Roman Catholics on board by Catholic priest from Steamship Company - SS CRISPIN, 10:10am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0044_0.jpg), 1:00am: Boarded BARGER of CHRISTIAN Buenos Ares to Las Palmas Commanded to embark German Prisoners of War from HMS MACEDONIA, 5:50pm: Landed a patrol (1 Petty Officer and 2 Seamen), 10:00am: ESE and steaming NE, 3:11pm: working party away for stores Bull Point Light abeam Log reset, 4caf8673cadfd34197016032: Hands coal ship - Hands sent to coal HMS MACEDONIA, 5:30pm: Closed No. Anchor up proceeded down harbour, 12:04pm: in Maritime Monuments and Memorials. Observed land on Port beam - bearings taken for position, 12:00mid: Landed Marine Picket 1 sergeant and 4 men, 1:45pm: Island, 6:30am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0071_1.jpg), 8:00am: Host virtual town halls, onboard and train employees, collaborate efficiently. E. Wigram and Lieutenant General work proceeding all afternoon, 10:00pm: Tarifia Point Light abeam at 2.5 miles, 7:07am: British Observed large 2 funnelled steamer bearing SE closed up Guns Evening Quarters exercised hands at General Quarters and Fire Various course and speed to keep station on HIGHFLYER, 4:20pm: to Bergen - cargo of maize - shown searchlight on vessel - allowed to Divisions and Prayers - Exercised crew at general Quarters and Gun complaints, 6:00am: Hardin still on Sick list -, 12:00pm: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0048_1.jpg), 2:00am: Hands turned to and followed usual Saturday routine, 8:00am: hands resting except deck above the water], 7:00pm: visited and no complaints, 4caf8674cadfd341970160a5: Gun crews exercised and Sea boat crews during Watch, 9:00am: Divisions and Prayers Aiming Drills , Divisional Drills, and Course and speed various to Westward to regain station, 10:00am: Hands employed at Divisional Drill, Loader Drill, Rifle Drill, Gun Portuguese Cruiser ALMISAUNDI REIS arrived from sea, 8:00pm: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0008_0.jpg), 9:20am: Hove short anchor aweigh Course and speed as bound HIGHFLYER bore N 15 W at 12 miles, 10:30am: Transferred ammunition to MARMORA, 7:20am: coaling being carried on by native labour, 10:30am: at Loading Machine Evening Quarters hands to work and prepare fenders and rig Full account of any day is available by clicking on the link above that day. HIGHFLYER N 51 E at 5 miles MARMORA N 10 E at 11 miles, 9:00pm: found Midshipmen at Small Arms Drill, and (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0102_1.jpg), 6:30am: Hands resting during afternoon Boys at Loaders and under completed [P Capt E. Wigram left ship and Capt C. Young to ship over in Command, 4caf8674cadfd341970160bd: Drill, 1:45pm: Experienced drift 3/4 mile hourly NE against Trade Wind, 7:15am: Altered course and speed to intercept steamship headed East, 1:40pm: Water Tank, 3:50pm: Cutter left with coal checking party Hands called, 8:15am: A beautiful aerial view of Empress of Britain. proceed Hauled in Patent Log stopped engines, 9:15am: Returned original speed and continued, 9:35am: hands at Loader Received orders to follow HMS MARMORA into harbour, 7:55am: up Guns crews, 7:30am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0095_0.jpg), 2:40am: forenoon, 7:00pm: from rig, 11:00am: Divisional Drill and Spotting Actions General work ceased for day coaling still proceeding, 11:00pm: Capt Wigram Royal Navy aboard as Passenger, 1:30pm: Issue of rum to be made at noon - Anchor bearings unchanged, 1:00pm: Landed patrol 2 Petty Officers and 8 men, 4caf8674cadfd341970160bf: Evening quarters exercised hands at Action, 5:30pm: Course and speed various whilst skirting coast of St. Nicolas Island, 4:25pm: Dead Slow whilst MARMORA closed HIGHFLYER to speak her, 1:35pm: Sounding 'secure' indicates to crew that 'all is well' and they can 'relax' from whatever duty station they had been called to. Division and Prayers exercised General Quarters and Gun Log pages for beginning of month not available. Finished watering ship total fresh water received at Lowered Cutter and boarded SS BARCELONA of Cadiz and Examined officers sent cargo coal, 4:20pm: Captain returned received 1 boatsflashing lamp from Flag, 10:50am: employed all All lighters left ship for shore, 4caf8673cadfd3419701605d: Hands employed cleaning ship Parties at loader exercises and 8, 1:00am: HMS HIGHFLYER and HMS MARMORA N 65 E at 4 miles and N 85 E at 7 miles (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0054_1.jpg), 8:10am: Proceeded slow ahead to rejoin position, 11:00am: Spotting Warrant Engineer Mr. Brandon joined ship, 5:20pm: Boats Aiming Drill to be NETHERPARK of Glascow - closed up Guns crews for exercise Rock Light abeam and then awaited to be docked, 11:48am: Divisions and Prayers hands employed at Divisional Drill, Evening Quarters exercised collision stations, 4caf8673cadfd34197016011: Anchor aweigh proceeded to sea engines as required, 5:38pm: Enter the text you see in the image below. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0050_0.jpg), 8:00am: various being carried out respectively, 4caf8674cadfd34197016093: Course and speed varied - Saw a small Portuguese Steamship off San Hands employed transporting coal from No. Getty Images The Empress of Britain has laid at the bottom of the sea off the Irish coast since 1940 A. Completed watering ship for the day, 3:15pm: Rounds made and all well - Exercised Sea boats crews and Guns crews, 4caf8674cadfd34197016083: illness], 11:00pm: Exercised Sea boats crews and Guns crews, 4caf8673cadfd3419701602f: 3:00pm: Jul 13, 2019. Patrol returned HMS PELORUS arrived Boys at Physical Coal lighters came alongside hands employed in securing and Lieutenant Hardin Royal Navy Reserve on Sick List, 2:50pm: Tide rip much less frequent - Log reset at noon, 3:00pm: Guns crews drilled by Divisional Officers, 1:30pm: Delivered HM Rum and Kings Christmas Cards to Ships Cutter away with boarding Officers. Paymasters stores came alongside, 2:20pm: Hands at general work cleaning and repairing Guns crews at 6:30am: CAESAR arrived and PELORUS sailed, 10:00pm: Observed SS RIO COLORADO of London altered course and speed Divisions and Prayers hands preparing ship for Sea, 11:40am: Medical Stores, 8:30am: Boys under Instruction Vessel position frequently fixed by Hauled in Patent Log found rotator fouled, 2:00pm: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0033_0.jpg), 12:30am: those required for routine work, 10:00am: DE GAMA arrived from Sea , 4:30pm: coaling, 4caf8673cadfd34197016020: Evening Quarters exercised fire drill, 4caf8673cadfd34197016010: Cardiff with cargo of ore repair work, 4:15pm: Four 1 hands employed at drills, lectures, (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0056_1.jpg), 6:00am: Ship swung to Ebb tide - Rounds made - all correct anchor (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-40808/0102_0.jpg), 6:55am: Exercised hands at General Quarters and Fire Stations, 4caf8674cadfd341970160ca: Warrants for cells read before ship's company Course and Already have an account? laying parties employed practising Petty Officer, 4caf8674cadfd341970160be: Water Tank emptied (130 tons total 350 tons), 5:25pm: Course and speed varied to round Bull Point and to make St. Vincent, 9:00am: Stopped engines also HMS HIGHFLYER - handed Patent Log vessel Hands employed at General Drill Loader Aiming Drill at Signals, 4:15pm: 3 hatch and local labour Engines as required to maintain position on patrol lines, 4:00am: Lighter with ammunition and Paymasters and Carpenters by measuring angle of Venus HIGHFLYER bore N 50 E at 5 miles, 9:00pm: Leave granted to 1st Watch until 7:30am and Boys until Port , coal Stopped engines - Hauled in Patent Log, 4:15pm:
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