As the population ages and the popularity of running, cycling, and other endurance sports increases, the burden of SCD risk can potentially grow as well. In most instances there is bleeding into more than one intracranial compartment. 2018;61(1):55-59. doi: 10.17116/sudmed201861155-59. Theyre captured, as it were. Colloid cysts of the third ventricle are also associated with acute neurological deterioration and can be a cause of sudden death in adults.48 Small lesions may remain silent to be found only at necropsy. These data are referred to developed countries such as the USA, Japan, and various European countries. In a follow-up email, the unnamed nurse continued: Lost 4 practitioners to serious side effects of strongly encouraged boosters. When it comes to establishment narratives, youre probabilistically safer presuming the opposite of what a fact check site claims. Hess P.L., Al-Khalidi H.R., Friedman D.J., Mulder H., Kucharska-Newton A., Rosamond W.R., Lopes R.D., Gersh B.J., Mark D.B., Curtis L.H., et al. [27], cardiovascular diseases and genetic arrhythmias accounted for about 50% of their SD cases. A sudden cardiac death case. If there is obstruction of an interventricular foramen one lateral ventricle enlarges; if it is in the third ventricle or the aqueduct both lateral ventricles enlarge; if it is at the exit foramina of the fourth ventricle the entire ventricular system enlarges; if the obstruction is in the subarachnoid space at the level of the tentorium again the entire ventricular system enlarges, on this occasion the hydrocephalus is communicating in type. The causes vary depending upon age and anatomical location of the haemorrhage. Venuta, Magna Graecia University, 88100 Catanzaro, Italy; ti.zcinu@oizimid.oiluig, 4Department of History, Society and Studies on Humanity, University of Salento, 73100 Lecce, Italy; moc.duolci@onnunid.oiznun. A sufficient volume to cause death can accumulate in as little as 30 minutes.80, The circumstantial evidence is consistent with the current view that death associated with epilepsy is seizure related. Early Cardiac Arrest in Patients Hospitalized with Pneumonia: A Report From the American Heart Associations Get With the Guidelines-Resuscitation Program. "SADS is an umbrella term to describe unexpected deaths in young people", said The Royal . The Satanic Roots to Modern Medicine The Mark of the Beast? Moreover, in a recent article by Marey et al. Neri M., Frati A., Turillazzi E., Cantatore S., Cipolloni L., Di Paolo M., Frati P., La Russa R., Maiese A., Scopetti M., et al. J Clin Pathol. Marey I., Fressart V., Rambaud C., Fornes P., Martin L., Grotto S., Alembik Y., Gorka H., Millat G., Gandjbakhch E., et al. The typical postmortem finding is of a skull fracture at the point of impact, usually the parietotemporal area, overlying the localised dark red blood clot arising from a tear in the middle meningeal artery, or one of its branches. Sessa F., Salerno M., Pomara C. Autopsy Tool in Unknown Diseases: The Experience with Coronaviruses (SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV-2). Particularly, this flowchart mixes the data obtained through an up-to-date literature review and a revision of the latest version of guidelines for autopsy investigation of sudden cardiac death (SCD) in order to support medico-legal investigation. But the most concerning published figures show that they have also doubled among people under the age of 30. In our experience, there are several cases each year in which the circumstances associated with death strongly suggest that trauma is the most important contributing factor. However, because of the large amounts of freshly formed blood clot it is often difficult to locate the saccular aneurysm unless the brain is examined when fresh. In 2019 Rippoll et al. Obviously, these samples are very important in order to perform histological and immunohistochemical investigations. Although the ideal sampling site is debatable, several studies propose either pericardial fluid or peripheral veins as the location for the biological sample. One of the sane voices when it comes to examining the science behind modern-day vaccines, no pro-vaccine extremist doctors have everdared to debate her in public. Laack T.A., Goyal D.G. Although forensic investigations may determine the cause of death in most cases, about 19% of cases remain unsolved, requiring further investigation. Stein P.D., Henry J.W. Some causes of SD are identifiable through collecting several important pieces of evidence during the external examination, crime scene investigation, and autopsy [4,5,6]. The orange, yellow, and pink lines represent mortality rates within 21 days of receiving a first, second or third dose. Moreover, nc-SD involving the abdominal region could be generated by other diseases such as acute liver failure [96] or acute pancreatitis [97]. But the data for 2021 and 2022 shows that there have been anywhere from around 110 cases to 185 cardiovascular cases among 15 to 44-year-olds requiring out-of-hours treatment. Sudden unexplained death in adults Curr Top Pathol. Today, a little over a year after the emergency use authorizations of the COVID-19 vaccines, news headlines in the pharma-funded corporate media are stating that doctors are baffled by rising cases of what they term Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS): As they have done for many years now with infants, in refusing to even consider the fact that babies do die after receiving vaccines, so too today they are refusing to even consider the possibility that young, healthy adults are dying after receiving COVID-19 vaccines. Neri M., Di Donato S., Maglietta R., Pomara C., Riezzo I., Turillazzi E., Fineschi V. Sudden death as presenting symptom caused by cardiac primary multicentric left ventricle rhabdomyoma, in an 11-month-old baby. Pellegrino P.L., Bafunno V., Ieva R., Brunetti N.D., Mavilio G., Sessa F., Grimaldi M., Margaglione M., Di Biase M. A Novel Mutation in Human Ether-a-Go-Go-Related Gene, Alanine to Proline at Position 490, Found in a Large Family with Autosomal Dominant Long QT Syndrome. In this scenario, this narrative review introduces a useful flowchart that should be applied in all cases of SD. 1 Among these structural heart diseases, coronary heart disease, presumed to be the most common pathology underlying SCD, accounts for 75% of SCD in Western countries and 50% to 60% in Japan . The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the Peterslund P., Elvander C.F., Hoffmann-Peterssen J. Iatrogenic clinically cardiac arrest after administration of nitroglycerin. Although it is undoubtedly true that patients with this pattern of multiple petechial haemorrhages in the brain die either instantaneously or within a few minutes, increasing experience has shown that there are some patients with this type of acute vascular pathology who survive the initial injury only to die some hours later. SADS is also short for "sudden arrhythmic death syndrome,"1 [] The correlation between these "sudden deaths" and the roll out of the COVID vaccines is indisputable, but because "correlation does not equal causation," the . And all of this because of the release of a bioweapon being developed by China and funded by the U.S. Moreover, the proportion of users of recreational drugs was unexpectedly high, even more prevalent than other cardiovascular risk factors. 17,500% Increase in Heart Disease in Children Following COVID-19 Vaccines This is NOT Rare! There has been some uncertainty about the frequency with which ruptured intracranial saccular aneurysms are associated with either instantaneous or very rapid death. For some people living with epilepsy, the risk of Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) is an important concern. For over a decade now we have reported here at Health Impact News that Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is really just a way to conceal infant deaths due to vaccination. Herniation can only be said to be present if there is impaction of the tonsils in the foramen magnum producing a depression on the ventral surface of the medulla, where it has been compressed against the foramen magnum, or if there is necrosis of the tips of the tonsils. Yes, bioweapon. Grsner J.-T., Bossaert L. Epidemiology and management of cardiac arrest: What registries are revealing. SUDEP stands for Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy. In the U.S., the average annual death toll from SADS is said to be around 4,000.10, Since the rollout of the COVID jabs, the news has been chockful of reports of young, healthy and often athletic people dying for no reason and doctors claim to be baffled by it. As we can see from the above two charts, ambulance call-ours for high conditions have been higher overall since January 2021, and have been increasing month on month. Fineschi V., Michalodimitrakis M., DErrico S., Neri M., Pomara C., Riezzo I., Turillazzi E. Insight into stress-induced cardiomyopathy and sudden cardiac death due to stress. Heres the answer, heres what that ULTIMATELY means, It means that a mafia network of manipulating PSYCHOPATHS are governing big businesses (eg official medicine), nations and the world, the evidence is OVERWHELMING and TOTALLY IRREFUTABLE read The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room The Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus Madness: A Sociological Perspective & Historical Assessment Of The Covid Phenomenon Underlying factors for SADS (both the sudden adult death and sudden arrhythmic versions) include undiagnosed myocarditis, inflammatory conditions and other conditions that cause irregularities in the electrical system of the heart, thereby triggering cardiac arrest.2,3,4 While SADS has been known to occur before, whats new is the prevalence of this previously rare event. Sudden unexplained death in alcohol misuse (SUDAM) patients have different characteristics to those who died from sudden arrhythmic death syndrome (SADS). Larger amounts may occur, usually in association with cortical contusions and/or skull fractures, in road traffic accidents or falls from a height, but occasionally this bleeding is massive and is the principal finding in cases of sudden unexplained death.65,66, This entity is said to occur typically in a young, healthy, but intoxicated male who receives a minor blow, immediately collapses, and dies within minutes.67,68 Certainly, most subjects are men and have been involved in moderate degrees of violence, with blunt impact injury to the lateral or posterolateral neck, demonstrable at necropsy after appropriate dissection.69 In one case,70 however, traumatic subarachnoid haemorrhage resulted from violent jerking of the head to avoid a blow. Kvale P.A., Selecky P.A., Prakash U.B.S. Stoppacher R. Sudden Death Due to Acute Pancreatitis. Medication errors in anaesthesia and critical care. Another important cause of nc-SD is hypoxia secondary to pulmonary processes, including small and large airway obstruction (bronchospasm, aspiration, foreign body, edema). This review aims to introduce a useful flowchart that should be applied in all cases of SD. I cited studies and reports showing massive increases in cardiovascular deaths and neurologic (and other) disabilities amongst working age adults, beginning in 2021 only. October 23, 2007. SCD mostly occurs in older adults with acquired structural heart disease. So much fraud.. Relation between genotype and left-ventricular dilatation in patients with Marfan syndrome. The role of physical or emotional stressfor example, minor assault or a verbal argumentwhen someone dies from a natural disease process shortly after the event is a not uncommon medicolegal problem. We present four cases of sudden unexpected death in young adults with chronic hydrocephalus. The most common causes of death in these circumstances are associated with epilepsy, intracranial haemorrhage, either natural or after trauma, and acute bacterial meningitis. The remaining one third consists of material referred for medicolegal purposes, which is the major source of the cases falling within the definition of sudden unexplained death in adults, and is the basis of some of the findings described in our paper. They cannot be allowed to call a loved ones death SADS. Moreover, cocaine is associated with many health complications, including gastrointestinal ischemia/infarction and hemorrhage. Tens of Thousands of Children Age 5 to 11 Injected with Gene Therapy Shots, 41 Year Old Florida Man Who Cursed Anti-Vaxxers Found Dead in His Home by Neighbors After Second COVID-19 Pfizer Shot, 12-Year-Old In Germany Dies 2 Days After Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine 12-Year-Old in Thailand In ICU After Heart Problems Caused By The Pfizer Shot, Whistleblower Reveals Fraud in Pfizer COVID Vaccine Trials as 5 to 11-Year-Olds Begin to be Injected Vaccine Deaths and Injuries to Follow, Doctors and COVID-19 Vaccine Injured Testify in Washington D.C. to Crimes Against Humanity CDC, FDA, NIH, Fauci are No Shows, UK Stats Show 82% of COVID-19 Deaths and 66% of Hospitalizations were Among Fully Vaccinated for Past Month, Fully Vaccinated are Suffering Far Higher Rates of Infection than the Unvaccinated, and It is Getting Worse, White House To Quickly Vaccinate 28 Million Children Age 5-11 as Deaths and Injuries Continue to Increase among 12 to 19-Year-Olds Who Received a COVID-19 Shot, Evidence Clearly Shows Deaths are Increasing Worldwide After COVID-19 Shots Major Labor Shortages Loom, As Deaths and Injuries to Teens Increase After COVID-19 Shots Pfizer Asks FDA for Emergency Authorization to Inject 5 to 11-Year-Olds, Post COVID-19 Injections: The Dead Dont Speak, but Those with Crippling Injuries Issue Warnings. Differences in negative T waves among acute coronary syndrome, acute pulmonary embolism, and Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. (Full article.). As summarized in the workflow, the samples collected during a standard autopsy protocol (fresh and/or fixed samples, for example, to perform toxicological and Microscopic Analysis) are used applying molecular techniques to identify hereditary diseases.In this context, it is important to stress the role of post-mortem imaging: several recent publications have reported the pivotal roles of computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in order to identify different organ damage before the autopsy [121,122,123]. 8600 Rockville Pike 1991-1992;17(2):88-94. doi: 10.1159/000120573. Sudden adult death syndrome, also known as SADS, occurs when a person under the age of 40 years old suffers a sudden death without a known cause after an autopsy and toxicology screen (drug test). De Backer J. Cardiovascular characteristics in Marfan syndrome and their relation to the genotype. Basso C., Calabrese F., Angelini A., Carturan E., Thiene G. Classification and histological, immunohistochemical, and molecular diagnosis of inflammatory myocardial disease. One of the most difficult problems for forensic pathologists is the diagnose of SD in subjects with acute cardiac processes that progress rapidly, with non-specific symptoms, leading to death without evident morphological alterations. The ePub format uses eBook readers, which have several "ease of reading" features Indeed, APE is characterized by numerous clinical manifestations with a complex interaction between different organs. The nurse pointed out that, now, the vaccination status is clearly marked at the top of the first screen of the patients medical record when the shot is suspected or known to be related to the patients mysterious or complex problem. Table 2 of the dataset contains data on the monthly age-standardised mortality rates by vaccination status by age group for all deaths in England. The case notes and autopsy reports on 44 subjects were analysed during the period 1985-94 at the . Its pressing us against the walls. Heim S.W., Maughan K.L. The symptoms of APE are various with a complex clinical picture. From Jan. 1 to Sept. 28 of this year, there were 1,113 cases of myocarditis, a three-fold increase. The minimum volume required to form a significant space occupying lesion and thus potentially produce a fatal outcome is variably reported between 35 and 100 ml. Montisci M., El Mazloum R., Cecchetto G., Terranova C., Ferrara S.D., Thiene G., Basso C. Anabolic androgenic steroids abuse and cardiac death in athletes: Morphological and toxicological findings in four fatal cases. "Sudden and unexpected deaths during sleep of young adults" were first noted in medical literature in 1917. Consequences on aging process and human wellness of generation of nitrogen and oxygen species during strenuous exercise. Therefore, an abscess acts as an intracranial expanding lesion. I want to know what I should have the coroner check for and what are the vaccine cause of death codes available to a coroner? Indeed, all clinical and forensic disciplines should build bridges between themselves [129]. What Are The Real Causes of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)? They dont even have enough beds or infusion space to treat them all, and radiation treatments are backlogged. They did it with what turned out to be the most toxic protein used therapeutically in the history of medicine. In a recent cohort study, Bjune et al. The most frequent causes of sudden death in adults result from catastrophes in the heart, blood vessels, lungs, and brain, . What immediately catches the eye when looking at this data is the mortality rate per 100,00 person-years among 18-39-year-olds in the month of January 2021. What are these horrible statistics going to look like in the months ahead as these tiny, fragile little human beings are injected with these toxic COVID-19 shots?? Pomara C., Bello S., DErrico S., Greco M., Fineschi V. Sudden death due to a dissecting intramural hematoma of the esophagus (DIHE) in a woman with severe neurofibromatosis-related scoliosis. The US-based SADS Foundation has said that over half of the 4,000 annual SADS deaths of children, teens or young adults have one of the top two warning . Clinical and forensic toxicology represent two disciplines involving the quantification of xenobiotics in different biological and non-biological samples in order to define the diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and prevention of poisonings and to identify causes or contributory causes of death in cases of fatal intoxications [129]. The aqueduct is compressed and the contralateral cerebral peduncle is pushed against the opposite free edge of the tentorium (Kernohan notch). In this context, it is interesting to report the experience of the Swiss Society of Legal Medicine, which in 2015 created a multidisciplinary working group composed of clinical and molecular geneticists together with cardiologists, in the hope of harmonizing the approach to the investigation of SCD [138]. Generating an ePub file may take a long time, please be patient. This paper is based on the joint experience of the two departments in the west of Scotland. Even there, however, nurses speak in code for fear of reprisal, referring to COVID jab injuries only as that issue.. In 2018, for example, we published this article: Neil Miller, a medical research journalist and the Director of theThinktwice Global Vaccine Institute, wrote in 2014 that while there are 130 official ways for an infant to die according to official categories of death, sanctioned by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) as published in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), vaccines are not one of them: There are 130 official ways for an infant to die. Such deaths most frequently result from subarachnoid or intracerebral haemorrhage or cardiac disease, with death possibly occurring as a consequence of a rise in blood pressure as a result of the stress. It doesnt take much thought to see the corruption involved in this scam!!!!! The Office for National Statistics (ONS) is the UKs largest independent producer of official statistics and the recognised national statistical institute of the UK. This shows that vaccinated 18-39-year-olds were more likely to die in January 2021, suggesting the Covid-19 injections increased the risk of death or played a part in causing death. When SD occurs in a young subject, it may occur during sports activities. October 23, 2007 (New Orleans) Sudden unexpected death among young adults is often blamed on cocaine or methadone abuse, but a new study shows that more than half of these . The most frequent channelopathies include the long QT syndrome (LQTS), short QT syndrome (SQTS), catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT), and Brugada syndrome (BrS) [32,33,34]. Forty-Three Fatalities Involving the Synthetic Cannabinoid, 5-Fluoro- ADB: Forensic Pathology and Toxicology Implications. For the purposes of our paper, we interpret unexplained as meaning unexplained at the time of death and sudden as dying within one hour of onset of symptoms, or where the deceased was found dead unexpectedly. An official website of the United States government. Abstract. Mockers of Anti-Vaxxers Continue to Die After Taking a COVID-19 Injection, STUDY: Governments Own Data Reveals that at Least 150,000 Probably DEAD in U.S. ; investigation, F.S., G.M., and M.S. A few hospital based studies have also suggested a somewhat higher mortality after rupture of posterior circulation saccular aneurysms,31,32 whereas others have failed to detect any differences in outcome.3336, The frequency of posterior circulation saccular aneurysms has been variably reported as between 5% and 10% of all intracranial aneurysms,32,33,37 whereas in some referral based medical centres the frequency of posterior circulation aneurysms may approach 20%.35,38 The under representation of posterior circulation aneurysms in most other series of patients with subarachnoid haemorrhage is explained, in part, by the high early mortality associated with a rupture before the patient receives medical attention. Vos A., van der Wal A.C., Teeuw A.H., Bras J., Vink A., Nikkels P.G.J. Aguilera B., Banner J., Cohle S., DAmati G., De Gouveia R.H., Di Gioia C., Fabre A., Gallagher P.J., et al. Why Are Vaccines Excluded? Acute ST segment elevation in a patient with massive pulmonary embolism mimicking acute left main coronary artery obstruction. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted Caused by a global mass vaccination campaign led by the Pharma masters of BMGF/WHO/CDC that illogically (but profitably) targeted a rapidly mutating coronavirus. and transmitted securely. [(accessed on 30 June 2021)]; Basso C., Association for European Cardiovascular Pathology. Breathing changes: A seizure may cause a person to . Nevertheless, in many cases of SD that present to the medical examiner or coroner, all collected data do not reveal the cause of death [9]. The patients suddenly collapsed with . The authors thank the Scientific Bureau of the University of Catania for language support. So we dug further and extracted all the figures on 18-39-year-olds for each month between January 2021 and January 2022, and this is what we found . The drugs most commonly associated with this are ecstacy (MDMA; 3:4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine), other amphetamines, and cocaine. The annual incidence was 1.3 cases per 100,000 persons 1 to 35 years of age; 72% of the cases involved boys or young men . Leaving a lucrative career as a nephrologist (kidney doctor), Dr. Suzanne Humphries is now free to actually help cure people. Sudden unexplained deaths as a result of intracranial lesions in adults are an important component of medicolegal practice and are best examined as a combined effort by a forensic pathologist, or a histopathologist experienced in coroner's necropsies, and a neuropathologist. It contains a large amount of data on age-standardised mortality rates for deaths by vaccination status between 1 January 2021 and 31 January 2022. But the data for 2021 and 2022 shows that there have been anywhere from around 290 cases to 390 people aged 15-44 requiring an ambulance for cardiovascular cases per week. For these reasons, a multidisciplinary working group of cardiologists, forensic experts, pathologists, intensive care specialists, geneticists, molecular biologists, and toxicologists is required [156]. It follows that hydrocephalus will develop rapidly from any lesion in the posterior fossa. Identifying the Luciferian Globalists Implementing the New World Order Who are the Jews? More recently, attempts have been made to standardise terminology, and in 1996 a workshop agreed the definition of SUDEP as that of a sudden unexpected witnessed or unwitnessed non-traumatic and non-drowning death in patients with epilepsy with or without evidence of a seizure and excluding documented status epilepticus where necropsy does not reveal a toxicological or anatomical cause for death.16, Several risk factors for such deaths have been identified and include young adults, male sex, early onset of epilepsy, poor seizure control, multiple drug treatment, history of generalised tonic/clonic seizures, treatment non-compliance/low levels of anticonvulsant drugs on postmortem testing, alcohol abuse, unwitnessed seizures, and body position.10,13,15,1719 Information about the circumstances of death is often difficult to obtain. 22,000% Increase in Deaths following COVID Vaccines for Adults Over 50 as FDA Authorizes 2nd Booster for this Age Group, COVID-19 Vaccine Massacre: 68,000% Increase in Strokes, 44,000% Increase in Heart Disease, 6,800% Increase in Deaths Over Non-COVID Vaccines, Moderna Seeks Approval from FDA and European Medicines Agency (EMA) to Start Injecting Children Under 6 with mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines, 41,834 DEAD 3.9 Million Injured Following COVID Vaccines in European Database as U.S. Military Deaths Soar 1100%, The Thousands of Fetal Deaths Recorded After COVID-19 Vaccines that Nobody Wants to Report and that Facebook is Trying Hard to Censor, 65,615 Deaths Now Reported in Europe and the USA Following COVID-19 Vaccines Corporate Media Refuses to Publish this Data, 2000% Increase in Fetal Deaths Following COVID-19 Vaccines but CDC Still Recommends Them for Pregnant Women, Official Government Data: Twice as Many Deaths Following COVID-19 Vaccines in 1 Year as Deaths Following All Vaccines for the Previous 30 Years, California Nurse: I Want People to Know What I Lost to this Vaccine I am Living a Nightmare, Its Not Worth it., German Health Insurance Claims Show 31,254 Deaths Following COVID-19 Vaccines While Official Government Stats Report Only 2,255, 68,000% Increase in Strokes as FDA and HIH Secretly Study Reports of Neurological Injuries After COVID-19 Vaccines, 40,000 Deaths Following COVID Shots in European Database as Life Insurance Death Claims Skyrocket, 34-Year-Old Canadian Father Drops Dead in Front of His Daughters After COVID-19 Vaccine, 6-Year-Old Minnesota Boy Develops Myocarditis And Becomes Severely Injured After Receiving Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine, Double-Vaccinated 20-Year-Old Florida Model Develops Myocarditis, Suffers Heart Attack And Has Both Legs Amputated, Comedian Collapses on Stage During Joke: Im vaxxed, double vaxxed, boosted, and Jesus loves me most, GENOCIDE! undiagnosed advanced terminal illness, such as advanced cancer. The death rate improves significantly in middle-old age, especially from age 45 to 64 years [22]. A study funded . You may notice problems with It also . A recent retrospective study studied the role of forensic post-mortem CT in order to define the cause of death, especially in cases of acute heart insufficiency or respiratory failure [128]. Zhuo L., Zhang Y., Zielke H.R., Levine B., Zhang X., Chang L., Fowler D., Li L. Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy: Evaluation of forensic autopsy cases. Myerburg RJ, Junttila MJ. T wo weeks ago, the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) sounded the alarm about the increase in sudden deaths which they labeled as SADS (sudden adult death syndrome). We extracted the data and produced a series of charts in order to present the figures provided by Public Health Scotland much more clearly and to attempt to understand the severity of what has been occurring since the introduction of the Covid-19 injections. If it is not haemorrhagic the wedge of pressure necrosis may only be identifiable microscopically.86 Haemorrhage and infarction occur mainly adjacent to the midline in the tegmentum of the midbrain and in the tegmental and basal parts of the rostral pons.87 However, such secondary damage may be absent in cases of sudden death. Kory writes:43. 1Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Foggia, 71122 Foggia, Italy; ti.gfinu@anissem.innavoig, 2Department of Medical, Surgical and Advanced Technologies G.F. In seven of the 41 cases, the source of the bleeding was not identified, and in one case the haemorrhage was the result of a vascular malformation.
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