Using Normal Distribution to find Probabilities Trig Ratios for multiples of 30, 45 & 60 degrees Methodology, Solving Logarithmic Equations Oct 2020 Mechanics 4 9709/42 Sewage treatment (or domestic wastewater treatment, municipal wastewater treatment) is a type of wastewater treatment which aims to remove contaminants from sewage to produce an effluent that is suitable for discharge to the surrounding environment or an intended reuse application, thereby preventing water pollution from raw sewage discharges. Edexcel Jan 2021 IAL Statistics WST01/01 Questions June 2013 Product Rule to find Tangents & Normals The desalted peptides on the StageTips were subjected to dimethyl-labeling with isotope-labeled formaldehyde (13CD2O, ISOTEC, USA) and NaBD3CN (Cambridge Isotope Laboratories, USA) (heavy label) as described previously [67]. (F) Differences in transition probabilities (between wakefulness (W), NREM sleep (N), and REM sleep (R)) between mice expressing WT CaMKII or the T287D mutant under the Camk2a promoter. (B) Expression levels of each mutant in the 293T analyzed by the dot blotting of cell lysates. Donate or volunteer today! Yes Magenta lines and dashed blue lines indicate when the values for the T287D:T306D:T307D-expressing mice are significantly (p < 0.05) higher and lower, respectively. [32] Mayr went so far as to say "Dawkins' basic theory of the gene being the object of evolution is totally non-Darwinian. Sometimes referred to as the Princeps mathematicorum (Latin for '"the foremost of mathematicians"') and Transition probabilities between wakefulness, NREM sleep, and REM sleep were calculated same as previously reported [73]. Binomial Distribution: Cumulative Probability Tables Matrices Scalar, Multiplying Matrices The gene-centric view has been opposed by Ernst Mayr, Stephen Jay Gould, David Sloan Wilson, and philosopher Elliott Sober. Social constructionism is a theory of knowledge which describes the relationship between the objectivity of reality and the capacity of human senses and cognition. We also confirmed that T287D mice had significantly higher delta power during NREM sleep (S9A and S9B Fig) as suggested in hSyn1-driven expression of T287D mutant (S4B and S4C Fig), indicating elevated sleep needs. Actions with substantial costs therefore require significant values of p. Two kinds of factors ensure high values of p: relatedness (kinship) and recognition (green beards). Mark Schemes June 2009 The Spine Journal is the #1 ranked spine journal in the Orthopaedics category CaMKII T287D expression in Vglut2-specific neurons significantly increased sleep duration compared to the WT CaMKII-expressing mice (Fig 3H and 3I). Besides Richard Dawkins and George C. Williams, other biologists and philosophers have expanded and refined the selfish-gene theory, such as John Maynard Smith, George R. Price, Robert Trivers, David Haig, Helena Cronin, David Hull, Philip Kitcher, and Daniel C. Dennett. The 287D is well characterized as a constitutive kinaseactive CaMKII mutant. It was further elaborated by the Buddhist atomists Dharmakirti and Dignga during the 1st millennium CE. The SSS system enables fully automated and noninvasive sleep/wake phenotyping [16]. Learn to find the sum of even numbers using Arithmetic Progression and sum of natural numbers formulas at BYJUS. The simulation results suggest that T287D mice exhibit a significantly higher time constant for the decrease of sleep need (i.e., NREM delta power) during NREM sleep (S4D Fig). Note that the FLAG-tag involved in the original pMU2 vector was removed in the construct used in this study. In this article, I will go over the topics covered in IB Biology Standard Level and IB Biology Higher Level, Nerve impulses are initiated or inhibited in post-synaptic neurons as a result of summation of all excitatory and inhibitory : no significance. A neuron, neurone, or nerve cell is an electrically excitable cell that communicates with other cells via specialized connections called synapses.The neuron is the main component of nervous tissue in all animals except sponges and placozoa.Non-animals like plants and fungi do not have nerve cells.. Neurons are typically classified into three types based on their function. Questions January 2007 Kinematics Vertical Motion II Workflow for selecting the statistical test methods used in this study. A vector containing Camk2a promoter sequence was a kind gift from Drs. CaMKII, calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II; MS, mass spectrometry; SRM, selected reaction monitoring. [t]he essence of the genetical theory of natural selection is a statistical bias in the relative rates of survival of alternatives (genes, individuals, etc.). Both groups were trained on the day before and maintained a high level of performance throughout the test day (correct response rate >80%, see Figure 2A). The represented value is the average of SSS measurements over 6 days. Further investigation of AIP2-expressed mice phenotypes, for example, observation in constant light or dark conditions, will be required for clarifying this point. (B) Schematic diagram of AAV-based CaMKII expression and respiration-based sleep phenotyping. This indicates that both A and D substitutions for these residues disturb sleep inducing effect of coexisting T287D mutation and thus the effect of D mutant may not rely on its phosphomimetic property. Resources, The values are shown as mean SEM. The values are shown in the mean SD (n = 2, independent experiments). Samples were separated by reverse-phase chromatography using a PepMap rapid separation liquid chromatography (RSLC) EASY-Spray column (C18, 3 m, 100 A, 75 m 15 cm; Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA) using mobile phases A (0.1% formic acid/H2O) and B (0.1% formic acid and 100% acetonitrile) at a flow rate of 300 nl/min (4% B for 5 min, 4% to 35% B in 55 min, 35% to 95% B in 1 min, 95% B for 10 min, 95% to 4% B in 0.1 min, and 4% B for 9.9 min). The values are shown as mean SEM. "A gene can have multiple phenotypic effects, each of which may be of positive, negative or neutral value. Mechanics Newtons Law of Motion, F=ma Followed by extensive sonication, the cell lysates were collected and stored at 80 C. Error bars: SEM, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, n.s. Differentiation Lessons I To survey the role of multisite phosphorylation in the sleep control, we created a series of double-phosphomimetic mutants of CaMKII, in which besides T287, we mutated one of the remaining 68 S or T residues to D. Most of the analyzed these double-phosphomimetic mutants showed extended sleep duration similar to the T287D single mutant (Fig 5A and S10A Fig). On the other hand, our study demonstrated that the kinase-active form (T287D) of CaMKII has a sleep induction activity and the kinase activation marked by the phosphorylation of T287 residue is promoted by extended awake duration, providing a reasonable working hypothesis connecting the awake-associated neuronal activity and the induction of sleep. "[35] Richard Dawkins replied to this criticism in a later book, The Extended Phenotype, that Gould confused particulate genetics with particulate embryology, stating that genes do "blend", as far as their effects on developing phenotypes are concerned, but that they do not blend as they replicate and recombine down the generations. A Level Exam Practice Edexcel 2019 Pure Maths Paper 1 GCSE/IGCSE Maths. [29], As genes are capable of producing individual altruism, they are capable of producing conflict among genes inside the genome of one individual. Titudin venenatis ipsum ac feugiat. The mice used in each experiment were randomly chosen from colonies. : no significance. May 2021 Pure Maths 1 9709/13 The analysis of transition probabilities between wake, NREM, and REM episodes revealed a large decrease (p < 0.001) in wake maintenance (W to W) and increase (p < 0.001) in the transitions from wake to NREM (W to N) compared with WT-expressing mice (Fig 1J). Then, 0.5 mM CaCl2 and 10 mM EGTA were added to the indicated conditions shown in S12D Fig. The dimethyl-labeled peptides on the tip were eluted with an 80% acetonitrile and 0.1% TFA solution. Briefly, each 8-s segment was further divided into 8 overlapping sequences. On the other hand, changes in the PWS in T287D mice is more evident in the light phase, presumably because wake-associated signals of environmental dark environment antagonize the sleep-inducing effect of T287D mutant. Questions January 2011 Mechanics Exam Questions Impulse, Momentum The EEG/EMG recording of mice expressing AIP2 showed a significant decrease in NREM and REM sleep duration (Fig 2G2I). Further Maths Paper 1 May 2020, 9FM0/02, Edexcel Jan 2022 IAL Pure Maths WMA11/01 Complex Numbers 8 Comparing imaginary numbers Square roots of a complex number Mark Scheme June 2013 (F) Sleep parameters during light or dark periods, averaged over 6 days, of mice expressing the CaMKII mutants with D or A substitutions of sleep-stabilizing residues shown in Fig 5C. Learn to find the sum of even numbers using Arithmetic Progression and sum of natural numbers formulas at BYJUS. In addition, the phosphorylation level of CaMKII T286 and CaMKII T287 correlated well, suggesting that these phosphorylation levels similarly respond to sleep deprivation (S5C and S5D Fig). T306 and T307 are effectively phosphorylated in the presence of low (condition #1, #2) or temporal (condition #4) Ca2+ in the reaction buffer. For more information about PLOS Subject Areas, click high-performance liquid chromatography; hSyn1, Additional Maths 2008 Q5 - Q8 This has been supported through previous studies. May 2021 Physics 1 9702/13 These results were consistent with the phenotype of Camk2a or Camk2b knockout mice [2], except for the PSW change: The genetic knockout of Camk2a or Camk2b slightly decreased PSW. Solutions January 2007, Questions May 2014, Academic Editor: Achim Kramer, Charit - Universittsmedizin Berlin, GERMANY, Received: April 17, 2022; Accepted: September 1, 2022; Published: October 4, 2022. Poisson Distribution Tutorial ln(x) & ex equations II The kinase assay in 293T cell lysate showed high kinase activity in the absence of CaM (S12C Fig), suggesting that S109D retains constitutive kinase activity similar to the T287D. Solving Modulus Equations, Graph Transformations (Translation, Reflection, Stretch) This exhibition of similar patterns at increasingly smaller scales is called self May 2015 C2 Solutions, Questions January 2015 C12 Normal Distribution: Mean & Standard Deviation The definite integral of a function gives us the area under the curve of that function. The gene-centered view of evolution is a synthesis of the theory of evolution by natural selection, the particulate inheritance theory, and the non-transmission of acquired characters. Solutions June 2009 Sewage treatment (or domestic wastewater treatment, municipal wastewater treatment) is a type of wastewater treatment which aims to remove contaminants from sewage to produce an effluent that is suitable for discharge to the surrounding environment or an intended reuse application, thereby preventing water pollution from raw sewage discharges. Koji L. Ode, Trigonometric Ratios (Review) Core Mathematics 1 January 2010 Q9-Q11, Additional Maths 2008 Q1 - Q4 CaMKII del mutant shares some properties with T287D:T306D:T307D; both mutants lost the CaMKIICaM interaction and have the CaM-independent kinase activity. Mark Scheme January 2008 Partial Fractions Exam Questions I No, Is the Subject Area "Electroencephalography" applicable to this article? Error bars: SEM, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, n.s. Each of the affiliated cities retained the legal system of its sovereign and, with the Oct 2020 Physics 2 9702/22 Validation, Camk2b knockout mice might have a decreased delta power, although we could not conclude on this because the changes in delta power depend on the normalization procedure of the EEG power spectrum (S8ES8H Fig). The rejection of the inheritance of acquired characters, combined with Ronald Fisher the statistician, giving the subject a mathematical footing, and showing how Mendelian genetics was compatible with natural selection in his 1930 book The Genetical Theory of Natural Selection. Excess water was removed from the membrane; 2 L of cell lysate was spotted on the membrane. Sleep measurements were started at 8 weeks old following the AAV administration at 6 weeks old. The definition of transition probabilities are as follows: PWS (transition probability from wake to sleep) is defined as PWS = NWS / (NWS + NWW), and PSW (transition probability from sleep to wake) is defined as PSW = NSW / (NSW + NSS), where Nmn is the number of transitions from state m to n (m, n {sleep, wake}) in the observed period. Writing original draft, Roles Oct 2020 Prob & Stats 1 9709/52 Since 1954, it has been known that DNA is the main physical substrate to genetic information, and it is capable of high-fidelity replication through many generations. Binomial Expansion Approximations & Estimations We found that combining phosphomimetic mutations of T306D and T307D to T287D (i.e., T287D:T306D:T307D) does not affect sleep duration (compared with the T287D single mutation) but causes unexpected differences in sleep maintenance and sleep induction relationship (Fig 5). Questions January 2010 Two important properties distinguish ion channels from simple aqueous pores. The fundamental theorem of calculus ties No statistical method was used to predetermine the sample size. LA is defined as the intersection of the distributions of delta power percentage in NREM and REM epochs. PBS: PBS-injected mice (n = 6). Mark Schemes June 2013 e3001813. We thus propose that multisite phosphorylation of CaMKII (residues T287, T306, and T307) converts the sleep-inducing effect of T287-phosphorylated CaMKII into a sleep maintenance activity. First, they show ion selectivity, permitting some inorganic ions to pass, but not others.This suggests that their pores must be narrow enough in places to force permeating ions into intimate contact with the walls of the Area of Circles, Sectors & Triangles Essex's intellect caught the attention of Apocalypse, a powerful mutant, the very embodiment of Essex's predictions. Unexpectedly, we also noticed that the increased PSW by AIP expression is mostly observed in the dark phase (S6C and S6D Fig). "[16] Only half of it is transmitted to each descendant due to independent segregation. Apocalypse genetically mutated Essex, transforming him into his first Error bars: SEM, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, n.s. Domain & Range of Inverse Functions C57BL/6N females (4 to 6 weeks old, CLEA Japan, Japan) were superovulated and mated with C57BL/6N males (CLEA Japan, Japan). Mar 2020 Prob & Stats 1 9709/52, Oct 2021 Prob & Stats 1 9709/62 Trigonometry C2 Exam Questions III May 2021 Pure Maths 3 9709/31 After incubating at 37 C for 10 min, the reaction was stopped by incubating at 98 C for 10 min. Mice expressing the T287D:T306D:T307D mutant and those expressing WT had similar delta power, but the mutant increased slow power (S11B and S11C Fig). The synthesized gRNAs for Camk2b (150 ng/L in total) and Cas9 mRNA (100 ng/L) were coinjected into the cytoplasm of fertilized eggs in M2 medium (Merck, Germany or ARK Resource, Japan) at room temperature. The series of single/double-phosphomimetic screening was not repeated, but the mutants we focused on from the screening results were further analyzed in detail through additional independent experiments. Mar 2020 Prob & Stats 2 9709/62, May 2022 Physics 1 9702/13 Arithmetic Sequences & Series I (G) Schematic diagram of cell typespecific expression of CaMKII using AAV and Cre-mice. Complex Numbers 3 Conjugates Dividing Complex numbers Solving Equation with conjugate These results suggest that the phosphorylation states of CaMKII differently control sleep induction and maintenance processes, leading us to propose a phosphorylation hypothesis of sleep for the molecular control of sleep in mammals. (E, F) Sleep/wake parameters of mice expressing S114-related CaMKII mutants (C) and S109-related CaMKII mutants (D), averaged over 6 days. Factorising & Solving Quadratic Equations I Quadrant Method At least, the present study excludes the core circadian transcription repressors as downstream factors of CaMKII sleep induction (Fig 4) and future research should be required for identifying downstream targets of CaMKII in sleep control. Geometric Sequences The ATP generated in this process is made by substrate-level phosphorylation, which does not require oxygen. Solutions January 2012 Pure Maths Paper 2 June 2018 Mark Schemes January 2007 Given the physiological process of the sleepwake cycle, it is reasonable to assume that organisms employ multiple and stepwise mechanisms to regulate sleep. Oct 2020 Prob & Stats 2 9709/62 Questions June 2012 Distance of a Point from a Line Equilibrium - taking moments We also confirmed that those residues can be the target of autophosphorylation in a purified kinase system. The collected culture medium was stored at 4 C. Data curation, For the Cry1/2 DKO and Per1/2 DKO mutant mice, recordings were performed under LD conditions for 2 weeks followed by DD conditions for 2 weeks. Volume-rendered and single-plane images of the brain expressing H2B-mCherry under hSyn1 promoter by the AAV (mCherry, green) counterstained with RD2 (red). Mark Scheme June 2010 Mark Schemes June 2007 We can approximate integrals using Riemann sums, and we define definite integrals using limits of Riemann sums. Definite Integral Other than sleep control, phosphorylation-mimicking or nonphosphorylatable-mimicking mutants of CaMKII have been shown to exhibit defects in neuronal plasticity and some type of learning [49,50]. The idea is to start with a simple system for which a mathematical solution is known, and add an additional "perturbing" Hamiltonian representing a weak disturbance to the system. If the benefit outweighs the harm, averaged out over the individuals and environments in which the gene happens to occur, then phenotypes containing the gene will generally be positively selected and thus the abundance of that gene in the population will increase. For the Camk2b 3 UTR used in this study, the evolutionarily conserved approximately 350 bp (chr11:5,971,4895,971,827, GRCm38/mm10) and approximately 650 bp (chr11:5,969,6725,970,313, GRCm38/mm10) regions in the mouse Camk2b 3 UTR was cloned and assembled tandemly. On the fourth day, the SSS chamber was replaced with a new one at ZT0. NCERT Solutions For Class 12 Biology; NCERT Solutions For Class 12 Maths; NIOS A Level Syllabus. However, the company did not have any additional role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. Arithmetic Sequences & Series Tutorial This theory implies that adaptations are the phenotypic effects of genes to maximize their representation in future generations. : no significance. Angle between two straight lines (A) Sleep parameters of mice expressing CaMKII WT or the T287 mutant shown in Fig 1G1I during light or dark periods. Pure Maths Specimen Paper 1 2018 [37], "Selfish gene theory" redirects here. Probability Density Functions The EEG and EMG wires were soldered to miniature connector with 4 pins in 2 mm pitch (Hirose Electric, Japan). Edexcel Jan 2021 IAL Pure Maths WMA14/01, Edexcel Jan 2022 IAL Statistics WST01/01 Comparisons were performed between the 2 corresponding mice groups. Sigma (/ s m /; uppercase , lowercase , lowercase in word-final position ; Greek: ) is the eighteenth letter of the Greek alphabet.In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of 200.In general mathematics, uppercase is used as an operator for summation.When used at the end of a letter-case word (one that does not use all caps), the final form () is used. Franken and colleagues developed a mathematical model-based analysis to estimate the dynamics of sleep need [27]. ), MEXT Quantum Leap Flagship Program (MEXT QLEAP) JPMXS012033064 (Japan Science and Technology Agency: (to H.R.U.). (D) Ordered multisite phosphorylation states of CaMKII in sleep regulation. (A) Sleep deprivation and peptide quantification procedures. CaMKII, calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II; CT, circadian time; DD, constant dark; DKO, double knockout; LD, light/dark; WT, wild-type; ZT, zeitgeber time. Questions January 2012 (E, F) Sleep/wake parameters (E) and sleep profiles (F) of mice expressing AIP2 or the RARA mutant measured by the SSS, averaged over 6 days. This exhibition of similar patterns at increasingly smaller scales is called self Edexcel May/June 2021 IAL Pure Maths WMA11/01 Graph Transformation Exam Questions, Functions: Domain, Range, Mappings Mouse ES cells (ESCs) were established from blastocysts in 3i medium culture conditions as described previously [76]. The balance between PWS and PSW determines the total sleep time, i.e., mice with longer sleep time tend to have increased PWS and/or decreased PSW. The underlying data can be found in S1 Data. Approximately 10 mg of brain powder was added to the 500 L of Solution B (12 mM sodium deoxycholate, 12 mM N-lauroylsarcosine sodium salt, 50 mM ammonium hydrogen carbonate) containing phosphatase inhibitors (1 mM sodium orthovanadate, 1 mM -glycerophosphoric acid disodium salt pentahydrate, 4 mM sodium (+)-tartrate dihydrate, 2.5 mM sodium fluoride, 1.15 mM disodium molybdate (VI) dihydrate) preheated at 98 C and sonicated extensively. However, it is unlikely that the observed sleep phenotypes are due to an artifact associated with such locomotor abnormalities because the EEG-EMG recording and respiration recording, both modalities independent of locomotor activity, confirmed a consistent sleep phenotype. Questions separated by topic from Further Pure 1 Maths A-level past papers. Mark Scheme January 2007, Questions May 2014 Note that this model only describes about the possible relationship between CaMKII and the sleepwake cycle without considering the difference between NREM and REM sleeps. Similar to the case of T287D mutant, reduced sleep duration by AIP2 expression was observed both in light and dark phases, but the magnitude of effect in the amount of sleep is higher in the dark phase (Fig 2F, S6C and S6D Fig). GCSE/IGCSE Maths, Pure Maths Paper 1 October 2020, 8MA0/01 Solutions January 2012 The ES mice uncontaminated with ICR-derived cells were used for the experiment.
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